Recently, I stumbled upon a high-paying, "elite" membership site and
it mentioned how one could be successful by simply following these 3
steps, which I transformed into finding success with an online business.
These steps are very much like the same steps you need to master and
make a habit of doing. Learn this now and you're on the right track
to succeed!
1.) Be Relentless-
In order to become a successful Internet Marketer you must be relentless.
This only means to be persevering, or always following through and not easily
giving up. I like what Sir Winston Churchill said in just 7 words: "Never,
never, never, never, never give up!"
Simply having the knowledge is not quite enough. You need to become
relentless in pursuit of success. You need to TAKE ACTION. Don't quit!!
Push forward. If you fail pick youself up, wipe yourself off and get back at it.
There is really no such thing as instant success, or even an "overnight success"!
Many of those who started in this business quit too soon or give up so
easily! It took me several months and many failed attempts before I actually
started to see success. I am not quite over $500 a month yet and not much like
what some others are making but I am steadily building an income. Now, I'm
looking for more income streams and building more websites in order to increase my earnings each month. It also means, I continually find ways and means to "educate" myself and find other sources of income on the Internet.
That is where being relentless got me. It would have been easier to give up
and quit altogether and just dismiss this a "hype" or even a scam but then
again, that is all behind me now!
2.) Build a List-
I am sure you have heard this a hundreds times over...but let me say
it again. Build a list. Do not just build a list - "Build a RESPONSIVE LIST!"
Get yourself an autoresponder and start building a list. This will be one of the
big keys to success for you. Remember, you are doing this in the long haul.
Again, don't just build a list, put effort in to building a good relationship
with the people on the list. Ask them what areas they need help in. As you are building your success help the people on your list move towards their own success. If you are prepared to offer useful information to your list then they will begin to trust you. Having a list that trusts your opinion will be a huge asset to your success online. Personally, that was how I was able to generate 5-10 customers just by answering their questions and providing information they needed. Most of these people online are looking for real people that will answer and provide solutions to their problems. This is one way of building a "trustworthy relationship" with your list. There are more!
3.) Keep the Traffic Flowing-
Traffic is the life blood of your internet business. Without traffic to your
page you are not ever going to make sales. There are many ways to generate traffic. Don't stop using just one way. Dive in to as many traffic generating ideas as you can.
Keeping a steady flow of traffic is the vital key to your internet business. Again, this is where being relentless would apply. Several years back, Web 2.0 Marketing was unheard of. That all changed, and today discover the other sources of traffic from Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, etc.
If you like to comment on this - you're most welcome to do so!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
TURBO-PLR! "You Can Build Your Credibility And Video Product Overnight!"
Dear Friend,
IF you are finding a hard time creating your own
info-product, then, this could be what you need!
In one of my emails, I was asked: what are
the exact steps to creating a solid video product
on the fly?

I'm glad you asked. Besides the brainstorming
and research, you'll also need to know the secrets
of getting content, product material and putting
them all together for your video product.
And here's where the Turbo Product Creation manual
comes it. Loaded with over 50 pages of honest to
goodness, detailed techniques about creating profitable
video products guaranteed to pull in customers by
the droves, you will learn:
-How to create your own video product even with zero
- Easy to follow steps that make your product creation
fast & simple!
-Niche and topic research so easy a child could discover
profitable topics in less than a day
-The quick and most effective way to become a respected
authority in your niche overnight
and much, much more!

Best of all, every single technique in this manual is so simple
any non-technical person can create amazing, professional
videos that sell like gangbusters!
There's only one thing left to do if you want to start creating
these amazing videos now - Simply follow this link below:
To your profitable product creation
~ rommel ;p
IF you are finding a hard time creating your own
info-product, then, this could be what you need!
In one of my emails, I was asked: what are
the exact steps to creating a solid video product
on the fly?

I'm glad you asked. Besides the brainstorming
and research, you'll also need to know the secrets
of getting content, product material and putting
them all together for your video product.
And here's where the Turbo Product Creation manual
comes it. Loaded with over 50 pages of honest to
goodness, detailed techniques about creating profitable
video products guaranteed to pull in customers by
the droves, you will learn:
-How to create your own video product even with zero
- Easy to follow steps that make your product creation
fast & simple!
-Niche and topic research so easy a child could discover
profitable topics in less than a day
-The quick and most effective way to become a respected
authority in your niche overnight
and much, much more!

Best of all, every single technique in this manual is so simple
any non-technical person can create amazing, professional
videos that sell like gangbusters!
There's only one thing left to do if you want to start creating
these amazing videos now - Simply follow this link below:
To your profitable product creation
~ rommel ;p
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Another Simple Zero Cost Ways to Make Money Online 4 Newbies!
Today's post IS something you may need for a long while.
If you've been struggling to make even one dollar online, then you can take a breath of relief and know that making money online the easy way is now more possible than ever, and it won't even cost you a penny.
The biggest problem with internet marketing beginners is that there is so much information about easy make money online methods that they simply get confused. Even if they go out and try to make money online with one of the methods they learn about, often the method is flawed which ends up being a complete waste of time because it doesn't work for the newbie to make easy money online at all.
But thanks to a generous young marketer who knows all about the easy side of making money on the internet, you can finally discover for yourself the easiest ways to make money online.
Here is your NO-COST volume 1 of "No Brain CASH" System.

Get it FREE here>>>
For a limited time, Stuart Stirling is giving his new ebook called "No Brain Cash" which reveals four of the easiest ways to make money online from scratch. This newbie report you can download immediately for free contains roughly 30 pages of easy to digest info about using free and easy methods to make money online, step-by-step.
I recommend you to go and check out "No Brain Cash" right now and grab your free copy so you can finally see how to make money online without spending a cent to get started! This is by far the easiest way you'll ever come across sto make money online for free.
Hurry over to the website and download your copy while it's still free!
Click here to get free ebook
To your online success,
~Rommel Ramos
If you've been struggling to make even one dollar online, then you can take a breath of relief and know that making money online the easy way is now more possible than ever, and it won't even cost you a penny.
The biggest problem with internet marketing beginners is that there is so much information about easy make money online methods that they simply get confused. Even if they go out and try to make money online with one of the methods they learn about, often the method is flawed which ends up being a complete waste of time because it doesn't work for the newbie to make easy money online at all.
But thanks to a generous young marketer who knows all about the easy side of making money on the internet, you can finally discover for yourself the easiest ways to make money online.
Here is your NO-COST volume 1 of "No Brain CASH" System.

Get it FREE here>>>
For a limited time, Stuart Stirling is giving his new ebook called "No Brain Cash" which reveals four of the easiest ways to make money online from scratch. This newbie report you can download immediately for free contains roughly 30 pages of easy to digest info about using free and easy methods to make money online, step-by-step.
I recommend you to go and check out "No Brain Cash" right now and grab your free copy so you can finally see how to make money online without spending a cent to get started! This is by far the easiest way you'll ever come across sto make money online for free.
Hurry over to the website and download your copy while it's still free!
Click here to get free ebook
To your online success,
~Rommel Ramos
Friday, July 3, 2009
7 EASY Steps to Creating Your Own Info Product Within Hours
When it comes to making money online, having your own product line can put you miles ahead of the competition.
But if you’re like most online business owners, creating a complete product line will take hundreds of hours of your time, or thousands of dollars of your money! That’s why I put together this step-by-step plan to show you how to create your own product as quickly as possible.
Step #1: Decide on Your Topic – Chances are you already have a niche area that you’re focusing on. If not, that’s the place to start. To do this, consider topics that you already have some interest in. Then browse the search engines, forums and even sites such as Clickbank and eBay to see what type of demand there is.
Step #2: Find the Content – I’m a big believer in using Private Label Rights (PLR) content as much as possible. It’s an affordable way to get some really unique content that you can use as your own. There are lots of sources of PLR so do a bit of research to find a few that will give you a variety of information on the same topic.
Would YOU like to get "Over 50 Private Label Rights Content complete With Sales Pages, Document Files, Graphics on a great bundle! This is Your PLR Collection---PLR MEGA Pack BlowOut 1. Never before seen 18+Niche PLRs at a HUGE Discount!!! Only 200 copies to be sold, so you need to hurry - - -
Step #3: Decide how you’ll use the content – There are many different types of products that you can create. A good idea is to have several options at different price points so that your customers have a good selection to choose from. This will also encourage them to purchase more than one product! When using PLR content, you can easily take articles and combine them to create a special report, ebook or mini-course. For higher end products, record them to create an audio product or have them printed as a physical product.
If you’ve found a great PLR ebook but want to do something different, add additional articles to it, or bundle it with an audio to create a complete product. The key is to be creative and think about what will be of interest to your target audience.
Step #4: Combine content to create a unique product – As was mentioned briefly in step #3, combining PLR content is a great way to create a product that is uniquely yours. Although others have access to the content separately, chances are that how you choose to combine it will be something that only you do. Select related information from several sources to create a comprehensive product.
Step #5: Add some of your own flare – If you’ve combined PLR content from several sources to create your product, it’s not necessary to rewrite everything. But adding your own personal touch is always a great way to engage your customers. This can even be as simple as writing an opening and closing letter that gives your spin on the information presented.
Step #6: Get some feedback on your product – Always have a few people read over your product before you release it to the public. This can be a spouse, friend or colleague although if you choose potential customers you’ll get better feedback. And you may even get a couple of testimonials that you can use in your marketing materials.
Step #7: Put together a sales letter – Some PLR content comes with pre-written sales letters. Since you will have added some additional information you’ll need to modify these materials. Or, sit down and write your own sales letter that highlights all of the benefits of your product.
Repeat these steps for multiple products at different price points and you’ll soon have a complete product line. It doesn’t get any easier than that!
Again, find out the Over 20+ Private Label Rights content that you could get at mere pennies to a dollar!
That's all for now!
Watch out for my next (VIDEO) post!
Care to comment on these?
~ rommel ;p
But if you’re like most online business owners, creating a complete product line will take hundreds of hours of your time, or thousands of dollars of your money! That’s why I put together this step-by-step plan to show you how to create your own product as quickly as possible.
Step #1: Decide on Your Topic – Chances are you already have a niche area that you’re focusing on. If not, that’s the place to start. To do this, consider topics that you already have some interest in. Then browse the search engines, forums and even sites such as Clickbank and eBay to see what type of demand there is.
Step #2: Find the Content – I’m a big believer in using Private Label Rights (PLR) content as much as possible. It’s an affordable way to get some really unique content that you can use as your own. There are lots of sources of PLR so do a bit of research to find a few that will give you a variety of information on the same topic.
Would YOU like to get "Over 50 Private Label Rights Content complete With Sales Pages, Document Files, Graphics on a great bundle! This is Your PLR Collection---PLR MEGA Pack BlowOut 1. Never before seen 18+Niche PLRs at a HUGE Discount!!! Only 200 copies to be sold, so you need to hurry - - -
Step #3: Decide how you’ll use the content – There are many different types of products that you can create. A good idea is to have several options at different price points so that your customers have a good selection to choose from. This will also encourage them to purchase more than one product! When using PLR content, you can easily take articles and combine them to create a special report, ebook or mini-course. For higher end products, record them to create an audio product or have them printed as a physical product.
If you’ve found a great PLR ebook but want to do something different, add additional articles to it, or bundle it with an audio to create a complete product. The key is to be creative and think about what will be of interest to your target audience.
Step #4: Combine content to create a unique product – As was mentioned briefly in step #3, combining PLR content is a great way to create a product that is uniquely yours. Although others have access to the content separately, chances are that how you choose to combine it will be something that only you do. Select related information from several sources to create a comprehensive product.
Step #5: Add some of your own flare – If you’ve combined PLR content from several sources to create your product, it’s not necessary to rewrite everything. But adding your own personal touch is always a great way to engage your customers. This can even be as simple as writing an opening and closing letter that gives your spin on the information presented.
Step #6: Get some feedback on your product – Always have a few people read over your product before you release it to the public. This can be a spouse, friend or colleague although if you choose potential customers you’ll get better feedback. And you may even get a couple of testimonials that you can use in your marketing materials.
Step #7: Put together a sales letter – Some PLR content comes with pre-written sales letters. Since you will have added some additional information you’ll need to modify these materials. Or, sit down and write your own sales letter that highlights all of the benefits of your product.
Repeat these steps for multiple products at different price points and you’ll soon have a complete product line. It doesn’t get any easier than that!
Again, find out the Over 20+ Private Label Rights content that you could get at mere pennies to a dollar!
That's all for now!
Watch out for my next (VIDEO) post!
Care to comment on these?
~ rommel ;p
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
What Is Twitter Mania? Do You Twitter?

What Is Twitter Mania?
If you are new at the internet, you might be asking yourself, “What is Twitter?”
”What Is Twitter Mania?” “Is this another fad, or hype?” “How do I use this?”
Twitter is best described as a micro blogging platform. You are limited to 140 characters each time you do an update, which initially, may seem a small amount. However, as you become more experienced, it's just amazing what you can fit into 140 characters.
Wikipedia defines Twittter as:
FROM wikipedia Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users' updates known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length which are displayed on the user's profile page and delivered to other users who have subscribed to them (known as followers).
Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow anybody to access them. Users can send and receive tweets via the Twitter website, Short Message Service (SMS) or external applications. The service is free to use over the Internet, but using SMS may incur phone service provider fees.
Since its creation in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Twitter has gained extensive
notability and popularity worldwide. It is sometimes described as the
"SMS of the Internet,"[2] in that the site provides the functionality —
via its application programming interface (API) — for other desktop and
web-based applications to send and receive short text messages, often
obscuring the Twitter service itself.
Four gateway numbers are available for SMS — short codes for the United
States, Canada, India, and an Isle of Man-based number for international
use. There is also a short code for Vodafone users from the United Kingdom.
Several third parties allow users to post and receive updates via e-mail.
It is taking the internet by storm and there are around 10,000 new users per day signing up to participate in this internet revolution. I have to add also that it is a powerful Web 2.0 platform designed to network with several people at any given time. Consider also that there are hundreds upon hundreds of application software designed by “users” and other software developers making this a phenomenon worth looking at.
That said, Twitter is much, much more than that. It is like one huge global chat room, but then again, it doesn't have to be. It all depends on how many people you follow on Twitter. If it's in the thousands, then your “Tweetstream” will be running fast and furious with everything that's coming in.
If you are only following a few hundred, or even less, then things are much easier to keep up with.
Twitter is also a great way to meet new people online, particularly those with similar interests to you. I will show you how to do this more as we progress through this report. That being said, it is also a great “social-building” tool!
Here is ONE more Viral Tool for you:
Monday, May 18, 2009

ONE BIG REASON TO JOIN TWITTER and capitalize this Web 2.0 "social micro-blogging" tool is TRAFFIC or LEADS GENERATION!
As I am writing this, I now have close to 3,500 Friends/Followers; not bad,
considering I fairly used this tool for more than a month now, where
it could even take so much more building a "subscribers list" through
You also need to target your "tweets" in order to get people interested and
warm for contacts. There are lots of Twitter apps or tools that
you can use.
The BEST part of Twitter, is to look for software to AUTOMATE your system of
generating new friends/followers VIRALLY.
THIS is what I am doing now extensively!
I'd like to set up systems and put up software that helps me
grow virally and on AUTO-PILOt!
Here's a heads-up tools I am using at the moment.
You can get them at NO-COST (You'd like to check these out!):
Viral Linkl =>
Viral Link2 =>
Viral Link3 =>
So, are you now seeing the light yet?
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Can I Build My List With Twitter "Followers"?

In this mini-blog, I’m going to teach you how to get more followers in your Twitter account and how you can use Twitter to leverage and propel your business on the Internet.
If you have been marketing for at least a few months online, chances are that you’ve been hearing of Twitter. A lot of Internet marketers are talking about it as Twitter is slowly becoming popular as a Web 2.0 phenomena on the Internet and did you know as of July 2008, over 2.2 million accounts were registered on Twitter?
This source has been taken from and I expect that the popularity and database of Twitter will continue to grow exponentially as I’m speaking.
If you do not know what Twitter is or have any idea what it is at all, Twitter is a micro-blogging service and it’s freely available as a social networking tool that you can sign up for free just by going to
Users can send instant updates and direct messages to their followers. Hence, their pdates are known as ‘Tweets’.
After you have collected several of your "followers", the question now comes: "How am I able to turn these "followers" into my list-subscribers?
I have always firmly beleive that the FIRST thing that you ought to do FIRST, is to PROVIDE REAL VALUE TO YOUR Twitter "followers".
When we seek to serve and provide value to people, it will not be long to see them get acquainted with us - - - our updates, tips and "tweets" will be easily seen as great posts that will increase their know-how or improve there position!
I'd be telling you MORE about this, as I write this one,
I'm approaching my 1,000 "Followers"!!!
Hooray for Twitter and for those people who have been on my list!!!
If you are using twitter, you will definitely want to use the free following system out.
It costs nothing ever, and even comes with 3 free gifts just for using it. It will grow your followers on twitter automatically for you once you start the system.
Its free, its cool, and it works.
~ rommel ;p
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Build Viral Tweeter Followers Instantly/Free TRAFFIC

You are losing BIG-TIME if you are not IN yet. . .
I've built a SOLID-base of Twitter Followers In Just an hour's work . . .
I'm growing my followers virally and wait til this reaches 1,000+ in just a month's use.
My viral friends Ken and AlexI have just released a
brand new video series about Twitter, that shows
you strategies previous videos on the subject
haven't even touched on...
THIS alone is worth all the free TRAFFIC to your sites/ blogs;
a simple RE-DIRECTION of all these traffic would allow
you to make use of this Web 2.0 wonder!
Twitter: The Next Generation!
As an exclusive special, if you share the page
with your twitter friends by "retweeting" the
message, you can get an instant $10 discount,
making this brand new 14 video series cost just

There's lot's of information inside, so check
it out here:
Twitter: The Next Generation!
See You At The TOP My Friends!
P.S. be sure to watch video #14 first - in it
you'll learn a few ways to monetize your Twitter
account - But more importantly, how NOT to monetize
your Twitter if you ever want to succeed!
Twitter: The Next Generation!
~ tweet you later!
P.S. If you know these already, then
you might want to use these F/ree Viral Tools:
Build a Loyal Following Virally:
-Get Twitter it video
- 3 twitter e-books, etc.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Create Your Blogs! My, Even A 12-yr.old can do this!

Consider this FACT:
IF 12 year old kids are doing it there is no reason you
can't make more money with your blog and see your profits
grow. What were simple blogging platforms, have now
evolved into up scale, full blown, "Content Management Systems"
. . . . . . can you say, Cha-CHING?
Still . . . without a plan to take advantage of all the new
and easy to use features in today's FREE blogging software -
It's next to impossible to reap the benefits that help you
make more money from your blogs!
=>> Click HERE
and to tell you honestly, I was blown away
with ALL the content-rich videos inside!
I'm not "tech-savvy", and it seems forever for
me to learn "new" stuffs - - -

this one is a REAL BIG BOOSTER to my blog-creation works!
Want to see this HUGE-PACKAGE?
=>> Click HERE
It will not only provide you the resources, "how-to-videos,
but, will also show you the many ways to make profit from
your blogs. This is what I want!
Do you have a plan for making some
serious CASH with your blog NOW?
=>> Click HERE
Didn't I mention this is a HUGE PACKAGE?
Your also getting these WORDPRESS VIDEOS F/REE, and MORE . . .

` just show me your BLOG once you set it up!
~ rommel ;p
P.s. After testing and "tweaking" my newest blog, I'd show you how
I did it! Watch out. . .
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Twittering For Traffic = Free MASSIVE Viral Traffic

Is F/ree Viral Traffic available for Web 2.0 Marketing?
YES!!! And, David Cheyne comes up with a REAL-VIRAL-TWITTER-Tool!
And, the BEST part is - - - IT'S FR.EE!!!
Here is my Testimonial.
In just a span of two (2) weeks, after I signed up with the latest
Web 2.0 buzzword= TWITTER,
I garnered more than 150 followers & still counting!
ALL F/ree Twitter Traffic!
How cool could this get!
See what David himself reports on this VIRAL-Tool:
David Cheyne just came up with this viral Twitter Traffic
Lead generation tool + 3 viral Twitter resources that you need
to boost up those tweets.
He quips,
Traffic Generation
If you are using Twitter as a way to market your goods or
services, then you need to know there are several excellent
ways to get traffic to your site.
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is David Cheyne and
you can google me if you like, but I am an internet marketer
with over 30 websites, and I generate massive traffic to my
sites using a multitude of resources.
Just one of my sites gets over 60,000 Unique Visitors every
month without me paying a dime on pay per click, or any other
forms of advertising.
Go and check it out! It's for REAL!!!
Or, paste this one on your URL:==>>
P.S. You can thank me later!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
BEST FREE Traffic Using A Powerful, Secret, "SEO Techniques" To Instantly Help Explode YOUR Site To The Top Of Google, Yahoo, And MSN Today...!"

Did you see this?
This site could be banned at any moment.
Get your 54 videos here
Yes, I know this sounds crazy...but the reason
I say it is simple:
You can see for yourself here:
Get your 54 videos here
IF you go to the "original site", here:
it sells everyday for $37!
See it there, BUT, DON'T BUY!
I was given by Charles a "Special ACCESS"
only for my loyal subscribers. It's time to
dominate the search engines and get F/ree Traffic!
THE REASON I send this in such a short time, 'coz,
People like you and me deserve this information.
And if the powers to be want to ban this site,
that PROVES that these secrets are the real deal.
(Why else would they want to keep this information
from us?)
Anyway - here's the website everybody's talking
about. These are the "good guys":
Get your 54 videos here
Talk soon,
~ rommel ;p
P.S. I really *did* hear a rumor about this site being
banned because they don't want the info leaked out to
folks like us. If you want to see what all the fuss
is about, I'd go to the site now. It might now be
there tomorrow.
P.S. Charles is even allowing a "breather" before adding $10 MORE,
it could be anytime now once the FIRST-200 copies are reached.
Get IN before he increases the price., A real bargain that will
increase your website/blog "visibility" and traffic generation!

Did you see this?
This site could be banned at any moment.
Get your 54 videos here
Yes, I know this sounds crazy...but the reason
I say it is simple:
You can see for yourself here:
Get your 54 videos here
IF you go to the "original site", here:
it sells everyday for $37!
See it there, BUT, DON'T BUY!
I was given by Charles a "Special ACCESS"
only for my loyal subscribers. It's time to
dominate the search engines and get F/ree Traffic!
THE REASON I send this in such a short time, 'coz,
People like you and me deserve this information.
And if the powers to be want to ban this site,
that PROVES that these secrets are the real deal.
(Why else would they want to keep this information
from us?)
Anyway - here's the website everybody's talking
about. These are the "good guys":
Get your 54 videos here
Talk soon,
~ rommel ;p
P.S. I really *did* hear a rumor about this site being
banned because they don't want the info leaked out to
folks like us. If you want to see what all the fuss
is about, I'd go to the site now. It might now be
there tomorrow.
P.S. Charles is even allowing a "breather" before adding $10 MORE,
it could be anytime now once the FIRST-200 copies are reached.
Get IN before he increases the price., A real bargain that will
increase your website/blog "visibility" and traffic generation!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
"This Is How You Can Profit Wildly From JV GiveAways!"

"This Is How You Can Profit Wildly From JV GiveAways!"
Hi there !
How are you?
I would be "quick-to-the-draw" here!
I'd like to give you THREE TIPS to Profit From GiveAway Events!!!
1.) Open up a new Email account. You may want to get from GMail.
get it here, if you don't have one yet:
*Note: This way, even if this EMail gets "flooded" by numerous offers,
mailers or even SPAM, it will not ruin your
business. (Tip: I have at most 5 EMail addresses I keep just to get
fr.e/e downloads, giveaways, updates and even just to "spy-on-the-competition" and see what they're doing or heavily promoting.)
2.) You either become a "Contributor" or just a plain member.
Tip: To get the most of JV GiveAways, sign-up as a "Contributor".
This way, you can "legally STEAL-AWAY" new subscribers from the guru
or JV's list. Isn't that AMAZING?
Do you get it? Now, you not only gain some "new" gifts but also add up
new subscribers on your list. They will help build your OWN LIST real quick!
How close can you get from "robbing the gurus of their prized-LIST"?
3.) Be very selective in joining JV GiveAways. Only join the 'reliable-competent-JV GiveAways'.
In short, don't try to join in all of them. Be choosy and be very discreet.
This way, you will be able to promote well and monitor your success. You now ask, "Which to join?" Experience will tell you in advance which to join. . .
Before I end these JV-GiveAway tips & tricks,
I'd like to mention I'm joining two(2) JV GiveAways that just opened with a BANG!
Check it out here:
- The IM Training GiveAway Series: Get ALL the good.ies here.
(10 Days Only)
Click here1
- The Webmasters GiveAways: ***Join as contributor here, before it opens!
(Duration: February 2-28, 2009)
Click here2
~ enjoy & profit!
~ rommel ;p
P.S. Comment on this blog and "win" another gi.ft from me.
Really cool stuff, , ;p
Saturday, January 17, 2009
What Are Your 2009 GOALS?

(Review of 2008)
I ended the year 2008 with only 423 opt-in subscribers,more than 40 buyers and only 3 possible joint venture partners!
I ended with over $1,000 on my FIRST year - nothing much, some of you will say, but, I had an education that has made me a far-better marketer, a much better & improved person after these.
I slacked for several months, and FOCUSED on the remaining 2 quarters last
year 2008. You see, I am a full-time Marketing student and on to garnering my diploma by October this year. . .
I was averaging $30-$50 per month on sales on the middle half of the year,
(mostly sales coming from my own info-products and affiliate marketing stuffs)
and ended with THE BEST months of November and December - - -
averaging more than $200 for the last 2 months of 2008(even with the last month on a 2-weeks holiday at Boracay resort).
The trend is increasing and I look forward to averaging $2,000 each month.
I know this will happen!

You ask me how long?
It could be several months from now or
even 90 days from now!
. . . I spent almost a year to put up my maiden website, and,
you'll be surprise to see major changes coming up. They say, IT is
quite long to begin with your first . . .
but, comes the next one - - - much quicker!
If you could just see the "WayBack Machine" which shows you how the first
website looks like, its' that ugly and "unprofessional"!
(lesson learned)
"You don't have to be GREAT to start. But, you need to have to start in order to be great."
You don't need to really launch a website at 100% "perfect" the first time,
begin working on it, modify it, update it- - -until, you get the FEEL of it!
Once everything is in place, "wash-rinse and repeat" the same process
on working on another project. Finish one first before moving on another!
(quick tip # 1)
One of those "gurus" I heard mentioned of the 30-days challenge and said that
the project you are working on should be done and completed in at most -
yes, thirty days as "his standard" , or even less. Don't take on a HUGE project
and not finish it. Better to start a "small" project and complete it thatn planning
on something BIG, but never having the opportunity to see it through.
(quick tip#2)
*Champions do all the time what others think about doing occasionally!*
- John Di Lemme
I have to tell you that I even had several other websites in mind at that time,
but all these are just wishes that did not come true. You know why?. . . 'coz
I did not do anything about it! It just remained as a wish to put it
more aptly.
NOW, how about you? What good things and lessons did you learn last year?
So, what about your plans THIS YEAR?
I've written down a few on my "shortlist of GOALS for the FIRST QUARTER of
the year. I am also coming down to creating a MONTHLY GOAL for each.
With that said, here is -
MY Goal this year is to:
~ attain 10,000 opt-in members
~ secure my FIRST $ 10,000 Sales
~ end the year with $20,000 Sales
~ launch 10 new websites including 3-Membership sites
~ create 10 new "info products" .
My Plans: => *** Action Plans!
~ Finish 2 new Membership sites the 1st quarter,
- & "new" PLR-membership site.
~ Complete the Affiliate System Management for in order to get Affiliates and JV partners to promote this heavily with 100% on the front-end commissions and 50% on the back-end. Why do I offer that? because this will help me build a buyers list!
(I'd tell you more about this, you'll profit from this as well)
~ Use "Article Marketing" as my campaign by:
- submitting at least 3 "new" articles to article directories incl. Ezine Articles.
- automate or outsource these once the budget starts kicking in.
~ Join premium "GiveAways", not all.
~ Use Web 2.0 "Social Marketing" as well.
~ Become active in some forums, blogs with "high traffic" in order to get "backlinks".
~ Optimize my website/blogs to further improve rankings, etc.
MORE. . .
What do I intend to do differently this year?
I will focus heavily on Article and Social Marketing to boost my traffic and to build MY BIG List!
My! This is getting to be a long list!
NEXT time, I'd be telling you why you need to start 'BUILDING A B-I-G LIST In 2009!"
~ cheers to a great year!!!
~ rommel ;p
P.S. Post a comment to this blog and tell me what you intend to do DIFFERENTLY this year! I have a new year's g.ift, sort of a "bribe" for those that will comment here.

P.S.S. Have you written yours yet? I'd tell you "why it is important to WRITE DOWN YOUR GOALS & PLANS", on my next post!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Rommel, "What shall you do differently this year 2009?"
Do you like the results you have been getting lately?
Are you happy with your results last year 2008?
Yes or No?

Hi there! How are you today?
To begin with, let me ask you again this question here:
So, what will you do DIFFERENT this year ?
Before answering that, I'd like to mention some of the things you
wanted to see in this Newsletter.
Some of you wanted to make money online, and that is the reason
why you are on this Newsletter, right? And how much money?
Some mentioned about traffic tips, profitable ventures, building
a website or a blog . . . it can go on and on! Whatever it is you
wanted this year 2009, it all strarts with your GOALS.
Next are your PLANS, then you need to focus on all these until
it becomes done. . .don't quit!

I'd be answering these requests while you share the journey with me,
but, I will not offer you any "quick fixes"! That is why you've got
to do something different this year!
If you will ask me,
my main FOCUS this year is all about building a B-I-G list. Not only of
subscribers, joint-venture partners, but most especially,
Whatever you do this year,
it should all boil down to "BUILDING A LIST!"
~ I'd let you in my "Milestones & Achievements" including "My Goals
& Plans For 2009" on my next post! We'll do some GOAL-SETTING & PLANNING
next time. . .
~ I'd see you around!
If you wanted 2009 to be different, then don't be like Calvin!
Let us BOTH make 2009 our BEST YEAR ever!!!
~ rommel ;p
P.S. If you have not yet joined the VIP-Member's Club, consider what a
"Lifetime Membership" amounts to in 2 or 5, or even 10 years and you would
agree with me why I am giving away so much for so little? At even less than
$10, you will have a good foundation with PLR and Resell Rights businesses.
Now, how about trying this out before I raise the PRICE to it real worth of $47?
Check it out.
LIFE Quotes:
"The number of obstacles that you face in life will lay
the foundation for massive growth." - Di Lemme
p.s. Make a comment on this blog, I'll let you in for a "surprise". leave
your email details also. ;p
Do you like the results you have been getting lately?
Are you happy with your results last year 2008?
Yes or No?

Hi there! How are you today?
To begin with, let me ask you again this question here:
So, what will you do DIFFERENT this year ?
Before answering that, I'd like to mention some of the things you
wanted to see in this Newsletter.
Some of you wanted to make money online, and that is the reason
why you are on this Newsletter, right? And how much money?
Some mentioned about traffic tips, profitable ventures, building
a website or a blog . . . it can go on and on! Whatever it is you
wanted this year 2009, it all strarts with your GOALS.
Next are your PLANS, then you need to focus on all these until
it becomes done. . .don't quit!

I'd be answering these requests while you share the journey with me,
but, I will not offer you any "quick fixes"! That is why you've got
to do something different this year!
If you will ask me,
my main FOCUS this year is all about building a B-I-G list. Not only of
subscribers, joint-venture partners, but most especially,
Whatever you do this year,
it should all boil down to "BUILDING A LIST!"
~ I'd let you in my "Milestones & Achievements" including "My Goals
& Plans For 2009" on my next post! We'll do some GOAL-SETTING & PLANNING
next time. . .
~ I'd see you around!
If you wanted 2009 to be different, then don't be like Calvin!
Let us BOTH make 2009 our BEST YEAR ever!!!
~ rommel ;p
P.S. If you have not yet joined the VIP-Member's Club, consider what a
"Lifetime Membership" amounts to in 2 or 5, or even 10 years and you would
agree with me why I am giving away so much for so little? At even less than
$10, you will have a good foundation with PLR and Resell Rights businesses.
Now, how about trying this out before I raise the PRICE to it real worth of $47?
Check it out.
LIFE Quotes:
"The number of obstacles that you face in life will lay
the foundation for massive growth." - Di Lemme
p.s. Make a comment on this blog, I'll let you in for a "surprise". leave
your email details also. ;p
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