Money talks---
Even in a "hype-filled" world such as were we live in, all the focus and concern seems to flow like the mad rush of cascading waters to the sea! This is all the more TRUE in the world of Internet Marketing (IM)!
Is it really all about the money after all?
OR, are there some things much better of than just the pursuit of wealth
and all the rest pale in comparison?
WHY are you into internet marketing?
Is the prospect of earning money your all consuming passion?
Are you somewhat being burned up with a lot of paranoia on making
money online with all its' dints and frills?
What are your HIGHER GOALS?
Methinks that this IS were the vast majority of online IM 'wannabes' or
beginners (newbies) fail and flounder!
Aren't you at a lost now with a lot of gibberish talk and have lost track
of your GOALS?
Tell me, what are your lifetime goals? Are you moving on consistently
with every single day and seeing the results you've dreamed about?
Or, are you part of the 98% that have been 'sucked-upon' and struggling
to make up for a decent start?
I call it the THREE P's of life. Whether it is IM, or some other goals in life
that YOU have enlisted like "keeping yourself fit and trim", kicking off an
old, bad habit, it could be smoking, etc., OR some other goals YOU have
set for yourself.
It's all about:
1.)PURPOSE. The "whys" of everything. What is your purpose.
2.)PASSION. Why persistence pays of. Why others fail so easily.
and, 3.)PRACTICE. What you "do" consistently will lead you to your life-long goals.
I'll tell you more about THESE on my next post...Watch out for this! THIS maybe the "missing ingredient" you are looking for!
For me, it is breaking through my first $!,000 dollars earning in IM, and I'm
now seeing the 'light-of-day' after getting beat up and 'starting all over
again. AND also, finishing up my Bachelor's degree in college...
THEN, it's not all about the MONEY after all!
LIFE is so much more!
....talk to you soon, ;p
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