Having a website or no website, what is the ONE thing you need to generate profits?
Your answer is as good as mine! Yes, that's right - TRAFFIC!
(You do not need to be a rocket scientist in order to generate F/ree Website Traffic!)
Whether you have a website of your own or not, the single MOST important thing you will ever need as an online 'entrepreneur' is "traffic". Many online businesses fail because of lack of website traffic. Without traffic, you have no leads or prospects and without prospects you have no customers.
Website Traffic is the Life Blood Of Any Online Business. The sooner you understand this, the better for you!
Undoubtedly, if you study the lives of many "online millionaires", they would agree that to establish yourself in this business you need to have your own website and drive traffic to them. Once they visit your "online stores", it is just a matter of converting these visitors to customers thereby monetizing our websites.
I would not go on a debate here to convince you that having a website of your own IS your sure guarantee for an online business that will last. You may say that you maybe able to earn even without a website of your own, as in affiliate marketing websites. But, if you will just consider this to be a business to thrive in the long haul---your best bet is having a website of your own!
Now that I have mince no words to tell you how it is, let me now tell you how I generate fr,ee website traffic to my own websites.
There are many ways to generate website traffic to your online business.
You could either use the paid, if you have the budget for this, OR, choose to use f,ree website traffic.
This article will touch on the three (3) best methods I have been using to generate some free traffic. If you follow through and implement just one of these methods you will be well on your way to getting the results you want.
Method 1. Use articles. Articles, by far is one of the most profitable ways to generate fr,ee traffic to your website. Articles are geat because the reader can read your article and get a feel for who you are and the value that you can offer. Then after reading the article the reader can then click through to your website link in your resources box at the end of the article. This is a very qualified and targ,eted visitor. To do this is simply write articles on you niche and then submit them to article directories. I will be telling you more about this on my next tips. This is also good when people read articles on the directory or do searches in the search engine your article will show up.
Method 2. Use discussion forums. One very good way to get quality and targeted traffic to your website as well is by way of forums. People who read your posts are able to get a feel for who you are and what 'expertise' you can offer. Begin by joining discussion topics including your website link in your post signature file. When people read the post they will see your website and then click through to your website.
Method 3. Use press releases. Press releases are very much similar to using articles. Begin by writing a press release and then submit it to press release services who then have a directory of press releases. The choice of which press releases to send is also very important. You can make a Google search on "free press release" and choose to send to at least 3 - 5 of them.
Now that you've seen my top 3 methods of generating fre,e website traffic, I want you to use one or all 3 of these and see what happens. I am sure you will see great results!
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Cheers to your success!
~Rommel :)
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