FINALLY, the website is back LIVE! (2 weeks 'migration to Unlimited Hosting!)
My webhost migrated to a much higher bandwidth.
. . . I've been away from my computer for a long while, 'coz
I had been sick for almost 3 weeks!
Thank God I'm quite well now.
Now, why am I writing this message?
I was thinking of you dear friend.
I would like to make up with all the lost time. . .
I have THREE things to tell you.
1.) What if I could show you a way to grab your visitors by the ears, virtually forcing them to not only hear most important marketing messages, but actually listen to them? And, what if I could show you how to do all that, with just a few clicks of the mouse?

What you need is a way to start using the same time-tested "tricks" that professional broadcasters and sound engineers have been using for years to take their clients "normal" audio, and turn it into gold.
Impact Web Audio Uses The Same "Trick"NO-COST SOFTWARE to put audios on your website.
Most of the IMers are selling this from $7 - $37!!!
But you will be getting this from me for NADA- nothing! The software is, "Impact Web Audio".
GO to the "SOFTWARE" List and look for "Impact-Web-Audio".
Tell me how you were able to use this.
P.S.1 Hey, did you see my new index page. Probably, now you get an idea how I talk and become familiarize with my voice?
just get your download bellow without opting-in:
2.) 3 FR*E PLR e-bboks complete with Reseller Kits
-Lemon Law
-Water To Gas (Make Your Car To Run On Water)
-Prevent Stuttering
* Get this at the DL, look for "PLR e-books".
if you could watch me work 16 hours-a-day the coming weeks,
you'll know for sure why!
3.) " The RE-LAUNCH of Private Label Rights UNLEASHED! "
. . . in a matter of weeks from now.

It's nice to be talking to you again!
~ Rommel :p
Tomorrow, I have another PLR e-book I wish to share, PLUS, TWO FRE* VIDEOS.Watch out for these tomorrow.
P.S.2 Last few "kinks" before I let you in the "RE-LAUNCH of the new PrivateLabelRightsUNLEASHED Exclusive Membership!" This is a SURE WINNER Ronnie !
If you have anything to ask me, just head over the ContactDesk, or "hit" the Reply To button on your e-mail. I'd be here to answer your queries.
~ til next time.
~rommel :)
P.S. If you're reading this and want to find out where to GET COOL FRE* STUFFS ON INFORMATION PRODUCTS >>>
SIGN-UP NOW, before we pull the plug on those freebies at the Downloads Area!
Get in HERE
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