Friday, December 12, 2008
"Turn-key Cash System" - Master 'Stuart Stirling Bares All!
You'd love this FR/EE VIDEO exposing this "new" turn-key cash system.
In a HURRY? Go to site >>>
I love turn-key systems that instantly pumps out cash on auto pilot!
What are "turn-key systems"? These are systems that you do the work once, and the system does the work for you automatically. How easy to you get this done?
Simple. Just log-in your details and add your PayPal E-mail,
you're ready to GO! That simple!!!
Go to site >>>
THIS is one "new system" created by Master 'Stu', and he lends a great deal of effort to show you an additional profit stream that will earn you cash on auto-pilot.
Consider the UPGRADE, as there are lots of "residual income streams" he shows you that can make you easy money when done right.
Or, you can start using his system and give it a try.
Go to site >>>
Do you like this post?
Leave me any comments or your views on this website. ;p
Thursday, December 11, 2008
5 Quick Marketing Tips from Rommel
5 Quick Marketing Tips from Rommel:
Today, and each week, I'll be writing some good articles
just to perk us up! I believe these tips will help you
boost your sales-conversions like it did mine!
This day will be a long post though . . .
1.) Create your own GIFT.
Always remember, "Give something of VALUE."
Find out what people want in your own
target market. Why don't you give them a "preview" of an
ebook, or videos you are selling.
Case Study: I did this with my 21 video series on "Making Money
With Private Label Rights", where I gave a f.ree preview (on streamline video)
of the first 2 videos and the "case study", see my
You can see it here:
PLR Video Course
For an ebook, you may give out a "teaser" copy, say 2-3 chapters or
more. Or, you may give out another gift on the same kind or niche.
Make sure this complements what you intend to sell them, It should
lead them to get the BIG package you want them to buy. Makes sense?
It always works!
2.) Create a marketing strategy on your download page. You may want them
to see first an "offer" before revealing the download link, or you can ask
them to scroll down bellow to get there link.
3.) Re-do your graphics. Do a "graphics makeover". I've seen this many, many
times in the past. I will do a video "cas study" on this to highlight this major
re-packaging that works. A PLR product gets "re-cycled" and become much
more higher in value because of brand-new graphics added on the site,
or new ebook cover, etc.
4.) Ask for "testimonials" on your sales page.
This is a real "credibility" booster as it complements your sales pitch.
Asking for comments most especially after a completed sale, the moment
a customer has enjoyed your product or service. I always keep in touch with
these people even to go as far as making them "beta-testers" of your new
releases before ever showing this to the public. Their feedback and suggestions
when garnered could further increase your credibility.
5.) ALWAYS give something of value. I am a graduating Marketing student,
(yes, I'm finishing up on my bachelor's degree here!), and one
important aspect of marketing that I learned is:
"Always provide VALUE to your customers." To re-phrase this, it only means,
"Give them what they want".
Your customers could not only be those people who bought from you,
these are people within your sphere of influence. You may want to label
them as "prospects", or, in internet marketing, these are people who are
in your "mailing list", your opt-in list.
Are you nurturing them? Are you looking out for their needs? Are you
providing value to them?
Do not just "pound them" with sales pitches, or "get this. . .", "buy this . .."
offers or they'll get tired of opening up your emails, or even
seeing your main page. This is one of the big mistakes newbies do to their
list. Avoid doing this. You can do a checklist which I normally do, like,
"How many sales pitches did I give out during a week"? and,
"How many times was I of help, or provide REAL-VALUE without any
monetary considerations involved?"
;p got the picture now?
I was like that when I started, but, everything changed when I started
thinking "how can I provide VALUE to my opt-in list?"
What can I give them?
What can I share to them that they would profit from?
The list goes on, if you are looking to provide REAL VALUE to your
customers, you're in a good headstart!
~ rommel ;p
p.s. Tell me what's on your mind . . . hit, "Reply To" this post.
Here Is Your Download
Monday, December 8, 2008
I Made More Than $200 In Just A Week! The Simple Steps That Started It All . . .

Hey! Just make a comment on this blog and watch out the 'MY BIG BONUSES' coming!Read through this then, make a comment below . . . ;p
I will show you the simple steps I did that earned me more than $200 in a week.
It ain't much,but, everyone needs to start somewhere! If you haven't made $100 yet, then you may want to see this.
(THIS is the site that is "raking-IN" from $9.97 & $17 dollars daily to my 2checkout & PayPal account. . .)
Private Label Rights UNLEASHED! ***Pre-Launch ALERTS***
The writer shows you the simple steps he did to catapult him to his online career.
"The First Step I Did To Start Making Money Online"
It started with the first $7 ebook sold on his website last August 2007. And then, he started making more!
Beginning an online business takes several steps to make.
Once I have chosen a particular "niche" to specialize in, the first thing I did was
register my own domain at the Internet.
I did not want any "free" domain name registration then because I wanted not to give the impression it was just a hobby for me, but it was a passion and a business.
(Tip:You're getting some "ads" that will appear on your f.ree website that may take away the traffic away from your site.)
There are many "free domain name services" out there, but, I suggest you begin to "invest" with your business to get started right! This is the main difference with just making "hobby monies" versus earning through a "home-internet business".
(Tip:You're in this business for the "long haul", it's time to start "owning" this business of yours.)
I first registered the domain name, and paid for it for a year.
This one costs me $9/year. I got it from
"Next, Is To Get A Professional Web Hosting Account"
The next step I did was to get a professional web hosting account. I am more than thankful I had the privilege to get a "Free-12-months-webhosting" account from After, the year was over, I transferred this to a paid annual webhosting account that anyone could be getting at $12/month.
I paid less for this service because I paid the annual webhosting account for this!
(Tip: You could be saving more from your webhosting account if paid annually!)
There are several F.REE-webhosting account you could get, but, it maybe "counter-productive" once you decide to create a "BRANDING" to your own business. Besides, you'll get attachments on a very long URL name once you get something 'free'.
(Tip: Actually, 'free' becomes costly in the long run most especially if you want to run a professional internet business.)
"Third Step, Get A Professional Auto-Responder Account"
One should not stop short of owning his/her own auto-responder service. This is your only tool to stay connected and keep in touch with your own list. The reputable ones would command a monthly fee of $20/month. I was fortunate to get a free auto-responder account on my purchase of training videos I got from another fellow marketer, Ameer Salim. This was a "third-party" professional auto-responder. The more popular ones are Aweber and GetResponse.
I do sell some of his videos now!
The auto-responder I got was ,
"Create A Capture Page To Collect Email Addresses"
Once I had known the "basics" of creating a simple sales page, I then created my first "squeeze page" to capture Email addresses of visitors and "prospective" subscribers" to my main index page.
Why collect email addresses you ask? It's time for you to hear it play-over-your-ears, "The Money Is In The List!"
You've got to build a LIST.
This began my list-building campaign. Now I'm on my way to garnering my First-1,000 opt-ins!
You have to create a GIFT, or "giveaway" to give out to your site's visitors and provide REAL VALUE in order for them to give out their names and EMail addresses to you. Once they've joined my list, I had to provide "value" and build a relationship with them by providing them resources and tips that will help them. This is what marketers are saying as, "relationship marketing". More on this stuff on another article . . .
People become pre-disposed and becomes much at-ease when being "sold" or "referred to" by someone they trust and know. Once you have a list, and you have "nurtured and cared for them", then it would not be long for them to "buy" from your website or "affiliate links". . .
Now, you are on your way to building a BIG list!
These are the "basic steps" I did, and yet, there are more! You need to immerse yourself on doing these "baby-steps" in order for you to start making money online . . .
I will be telling you more on the EXACT SAME STEPS I DID, that raked in more
than $200 in just a week!
HERE is the much-improved, "RE-LAUNCHED" Membership site that is raking in monies daily to my 2checkout and PayPal buttons! Take it for a ride = = =>>>
Private Label Rights UNLEASHED! ***Pre-Launch ALERTS***
Rommel Ramos is the CEO/Publisher and owner of PLRU-Ezine which tells his subscribers the steps, & tips on creating an online income using private label rigts resources. There is a F.ree E-course on "Making Money Online Using Private Label rights" and a TON of useful information, materials & other resources you can get f.ree once you subscribe to receive his e-course.
Private Label Rights UNLEASHED!
Get your f.ree 5 days E-course on "Making Money Online Using Private Label Rights" and a TON of useful resources f.ree. Only a "LIMITED" number of f.ree subscribers remaining . . .
tag: make money, earn money, earn quick money, earn $200, earn in a week
Thursday, December 4, 2008
1 Email that changed my views of "making money online" . . .
"You made a sale . . ."
"Notification Of Payment Received From . . .", and
"$7 deposited on your account . . ."
I am awed and overwhelmed!
Here's the screenshot of only 2 of my payment processors,

And, the latest post on my email ..... (MORE coming, GREAT!!!) ;p

Confi1 (PayPal)
Others will say,
that ain't much - - - but,
you know, you have to start from small,
and then slowly, and then,steadily upped the income to thousands more.
I'm just about excited, can you feel it in this letter? ;p
Yes, thanksgiving is over, but
there IS still SO MUCH MORE to praise and thank God for!
Exactly 12 months ago, I made my FIRST sale ever on my own website.
It was from a lady who bought a $7 ebook. That was on August 2007. . .
This is not just an affiliate site, where one just fills in their affiliate codes
and "blasts" this to their email list. It was hard work that payed of after
several months of "taking good care of my tiny-"itchy-bitsy" list I own at that
time. I only had about 100+ that time.
to tell you honestly, that FEELING got over my entire being,
and I had a hard time "falling to sleep" after that one moment of triumph!
You just couldn't get over that feeling for a long, long time. . .
It FEELS GOOD! - - - really good inside!
I was able to prove to myself and to my loved ones,
that there is gold in the Internet, and I'm just about to join the rush. . .
What I had then, and still doing now
is a personal website which has GROWN WITH ME IN THIS ROLLER-COASTER
now, you ask -
"Where to now Rommel?"
MY answer is as good as yours!
I've got some plans to do and fulfill before the year is over.
How about you,
"Have you looked back now and see the 'baby-steps' on your online career?"
"What plans do you have by next year 2009? IT will be a different year!
"Before the year is over, what other plans do you need to fulfill?"
"Are you making your plans yet?"
See that FIRST blog posts I did, where I mentioned my goals.
I am slowly achieving them one-by-one. . . I'm just a little
more to reach my FIRST $1,000 online!
Thank you for joining me in this great adventure called LIFE!
You've stucked-out wit me in the past,
now, I want you to benefit the MOST in this partnership. And,
to some of you, thanks for being a friend.
Because, I have several plans now in the works,
and I know you can also learn a "few things" from this actual Case Study
of mine . . . (I'd let you in more on my blog), I'd be sharing you some
of these things later.
I've said enough now,
let's just MOVE ON!
~ rommel ;p
P.s. I'd like us to end with two of my mentor-gurus mentioned,
and I quote them both here:
"Success is neither magical or mysterious.
Success is the natural consequence of
consistently applying basic fundamentals."
– Jim Rohn
It is time for us to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever,
the one who recognizes the challenge and does something about it.
- Vince Lombardi
` 3 cheers to your success!
"Notification Of Payment Received From . . .", and
"$7 deposited on your account . . ."
I am awed and overwhelmed!
Here's the screenshot of only 2 of my payment processors,

And, the latest post on my email ..... (MORE coming, GREAT!!!) ;p

Confi1 (PayPal)
Others will say,
that ain't much - - - but,
you know, you have to start from small,
and then slowly, and then,steadily upped the income to thousands more.
I'm just about excited, can you feel it in this letter? ;p
Yes, thanksgiving is over, but
there IS still SO MUCH MORE to praise and thank God for!
Exactly 12 months ago, I made my FIRST sale ever on my own website.
It was from a lady who bought a $7 ebook. That was on August 2007. . .
This is not just an affiliate site, where one just fills in their affiliate codes
and "blasts" this to their email list. It was hard work that payed of after
several months of "taking good care of my tiny-"itchy-bitsy" list I own at that
time. I only had about 100+ that time.
to tell you honestly, that FEELING got over my entire being,
and I had a hard time "falling to sleep" after that one moment of triumph!
You just couldn't get over that feeling for a long, long time. . .
It FEELS GOOD! - - - really good inside!
I was able to prove to myself and to my loved ones,
that there is gold in the Internet, and I'm just about to join the rush. . .
What I had then, and still doing now
is a personal website which has GROWN WITH ME IN THIS ROLLER-COASTER
now, you ask -
"Where to now Rommel?"
MY answer is as good as yours!
I've got some plans to do and fulfill before the year is over.
How about you,
"Have you looked back now and see the 'baby-steps' on your online career?"
"What plans do you have by next year 2009? IT will be a different year!
"Before the year is over, what other plans do you need to fulfill?"
"Are you making your plans yet?"
See that FIRST blog posts I did, where I mentioned my goals.
I am slowly achieving them one-by-one. . . I'm just a little
more to reach my FIRST $1,000 online!
Thank you for joining me in this great adventure called LIFE!
You've stucked-out wit me in the past,
now, I want you to benefit the MOST in this partnership. And,
to some of you, thanks for being a friend.
Because, I have several plans now in the works,
and I know you can also learn a "few things" from this actual Case Study
of mine . . . (I'd let you in more on my blog), I'd be sharing you some
of these things later.
I've said enough now,
let's just MOVE ON!
~ rommel ;p
P.s. I'd like us to end with two of my mentor-gurus mentioned,
and I quote them both here:
"Success is neither magical or mysterious.
Success is the natural consequence of
consistently applying basic fundamentals."
– Jim Rohn
It is time for us to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever,
the one who recognizes the challenge and does something about it.
- Vince Lombardi
` 3 cheers to your success!
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