5 Quick Marketing Tips from Rommel:
Today, and each week, I'll be writing some good articles
just to perk us up! I believe these tips will help you
boost your sales-conversions like it did mine!
This day will be a long post though . . .
1.) Create your own GIFT.
Always remember, "Give something of VALUE."
Find out what people want in your own
target market. Why don't you give them a "preview" of an
ebook, or videos you are selling.
Case Study: I did this with my 21 video series on "Making Money
With Private Label Rights", where I gave a f.ree preview (on streamline video)
of the first 2 videos and the "case study", see my PLRVideoCourse.com.
You can see it here:
PLR Video Course
For an ebook, you may give out a "teaser" copy, say 2-3 chapters or
more. Or, you may give out another gift on the same kind or niche.
Make sure this complements what you intend to sell them, It should
lead them to get the BIG package you want them to buy. Makes sense?
It always works!
2.) Create a marketing strategy on your download page. You may want them
to see first an "offer" before revealing the download link, or you can ask
them to scroll down bellow to get there link.
3.) Re-do your graphics. Do a "graphics makeover". I've seen this many, many
times in the past. I will do a video "cas study" on this to highlight this major
re-packaging that works. A PLR product gets "re-cycled" and become much
more higher in value because of brand-new graphics added on the site,
or new ebook cover, etc.
4.) Ask for "testimonials" on your sales page.
This is a real "credibility" booster as it complements your sales pitch.
Asking for comments most especially after a completed sale, the moment
a customer has enjoyed your product or service. I always keep in touch with
these people even to go as far as making them "beta-testers" of your new
releases before ever showing this to the public. Their feedback and suggestions
when garnered could further increase your credibility.
5.) ALWAYS give something of value. I am a graduating Marketing student,
(yes, I'm finishing up on my bachelor's degree here!), and one
important aspect of marketing that I learned is:
"Always provide VALUE to your customers." To re-phrase this, it only means,
"Give them what they want".
Your customers could not only be those people who bought from you,
these are people within your sphere of influence. You may want to label
them as "prospects", or, in internet marketing, these are people who are
in your "mailing list", your opt-in list.
Are you nurturing them? Are you looking out for their needs? Are you
providing value to them?
Do not just "pound them" with sales pitches, or "get this. . .", "buy this . .."
offers or they'll get tired of opening up your emails, or even
seeing your main page. This is one of the big mistakes newbies do to their
list. Avoid doing this. You can do a checklist which I normally do, like,
"How many sales pitches did I give out during a week"? and,
"How many times was I of help, or provide REAL-VALUE without any
monetary considerations involved?"
;p got the picture now?
I was like that when I started, but, everything changed when I started
thinking "how can I provide VALUE to my opt-in list?"
What can I give them?
What can I share to them that they would profit from?
The list goes on, if you are looking to provide REAL VALUE to your
customers, you're in a good headstart!
~ rommel ;p
p.s. Tell me what's on your mind . . . hit, "Reply To" this post.
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