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Rommel's Handy Matter's Blog

handymatters, home business, make money online, freebies, twitter. web 2.0

Thursday, January 29, 2009

"This Is How You Can Profit Wildly From JV GiveAways!"

"This Is How You Can Profit Wildly From JV GiveAways!"

Hi there !

How are you?

I would be "quick-to-the-draw" here!

I'd like to give you THREE TIPS to Profit From GiveAway Events!!!

1.) Open up a new Email account. You may want to get from GMail.
get it here, if you don't have one yet:

*Note: This way, even if this EMail gets "flooded" by numerous offers,
mailers or even SPAM, it will not ruin your
business. (Tip: I have at most 5 EMail addresses I keep just to get
fr.e/e downloads, giveaways, updates and even just to "spy-on-the-competition" and see what they're doing or heavily promoting.)

2.) You either become a "Contributor" or just a plain member.
Tip: To get the most of JV GiveAways, sign-up as a "Contributor".
This way, you can "legally STEAL-AWAY" new subscribers from the guru
or JV's list. Isn't that AMAZING?

Do you get it? Now, you not only gain some "new" gifts but also add up
new subscribers on your list. They will help build your OWN LIST real quick!

How close can you get from "robbing the gurus of their prized-LIST"?


3.) Be very selective in joining JV GiveAways. Only join the 'reliable-competent-JV GiveAways'.

In short, don't try to join in all of them. Be choosy and be very discreet.
This way, you will be able to promote well and monitor your success. You now ask, "Which to join?" Experience will tell you in advance which to join. . .

Before I end these JV-GiveAway tips & tricks,

I'd like to mention I'm joining two(2) JV GiveAways that just opened with a BANG!

Check it out here:

- The IM Training GiveAway Series: Get ALL the good.ies here.
(10 Days Only)

Click here1

- The Webmasters GiveAways: ***Join as contributor here, before it opens!
(Duration: February 2-28, 2009)

Click here2

~ enjoy & profit!

~ rommel ;p

P.S. Comment on this blog and "win" another gi.ft from me.
Really cool stuff, , ;p

Saturday, January 17, 2009

What Are Your 2009 GOALS?

(Review of 2008)

I ended the year 2008 with only 423 opt-in subscribers,more than 40 buyers and only 3 possible joint venture partners!

I ended with over $1,000 on my FIRST year - nothing much, some of you will say, but, I had an education that has made me a far-better marketer, a much better & improved person after these.

I slacked for several months, and FOCUSED on the remaining 2 quarters last
year 2008. You see, I am a full-time Marketing student and on to garnering my diploma by October this year. . .

I was averaging $30-$50 per month on sales on the middle half of the year,
(mostly sales coming from my own info-products and affiliate marketing stuffs)

and ended with THE BEST months of November and December - - -

averaging more than $200 for the last 2 months of 2008(even with the last month on a 2-weeks holiday at Boracay resort).

The trend is increasing and I look forward to averaging $2,000 each month.
I know this will happen!

You ask me how long?
It could be several months from now or

even 90 days from now!

. . . I spent almost a year to put up my maiden website, and,
you'll be surprise to see major changes coming up. They say, IT is
quite long to begin with your first . . .

but, comes the next one - - - much quicker!

If you could just see the "WayBack Machine" which shows you how the first
website looks like, its' that ugly and "unprofessional"!

(lesson learned)
"You don't have to be GREAT to start. But, you need to have to start in order to be great."

You don't need to really launch a website at 100% "perfect" the first time,
begin working on it, modify it, update it- - -until, you get the FEEL of it!

Once everything is in place, "wash-rinse and repeat" the same process
on working on another project. Finish one first before moving on another!

(quick tip # 1)
One of those "gurus" I heard mentioned of the 30-days challenge and said that
the project you are working on should be done and completed in at most -
yes, thirty days as "his standard" , or even less. Don't take on a HUGE project
and not finish it. Better to start a "small" project and complete it thatn planning
on something BIG, but never having the opportunity to see it through.

(quick tip#2)
*Champions do all the time what others think about doing occasionally!*
- John Di Lemme

I have to tell you that I even had several other websites in mind at that time,
but all these are just wishes that did not come true. You know why?. . . 'coz
I did not do anything about it! It just remained as a wish to put it
more aptly.

NOW, how about you? What good things and lessons did you learn last year?

So, what about your plans THIS YEAR?

I've written down a few on my "shortlist of GOALS for the FIRST QUARTER of
the year. I am also coming down to creating a MONTHLY GOAL for each.

With that said, here is -

MY Goal this year is to:

~ attain 10,000 opt-in members
~ secure my FIRST $ 10,000 Sales
~ end the year with $20,000 Sales
~ launch 10 new websites including 3-Membership sites
~ create 10 new "info products" .

My Plans: => *** Action Plans!

~ Finish 2 new Membership sites the 1st quarter,
- & "new" PLR-membership site.
~ Complete the Affiliate System Management for in order to get Affiliates and JV partners to promote this heavily with 100% on the front-end commissions and 50% on the back-end. Why do I offer that? because this will help me build a buyers list!
(I'd tell you more about this, you'll profit from this as well)

~ Use "Article Marketing" as my campaign by:
- submitting at least 3 "new" articles to article directories incl. Ezine Articles.
- automate or outsource these once the budget starts kicking in.
~ Join premium "GiveAways", not all.
~ Use Web 2.0 "Social Marketing" as well.
~ Become active in some forums, blogs with "high traffic" in order to get "backlinks".
~ Optimize my website/blogs to further improve rankings, etc.

MORE. . .

What do I intend to do differently this year?
I will focus heavily on Article and Social Marketing to boost my traffic and to build MY BIG List!

My! This is getting to be a long list!

NEXT time, I'd be telling you why you need to start 'BUILDING A B-I-G LIST In 2009!"

~ cheers to a great year!!!

~ rommel ;p

P.S. Post a comment to this blog and tell me what you intend to do DIFFERENTLY this year! I have a new year's g.ift, sort of a "bribe" for those that will comment here.

P.S.S. Have you written yours yet? I'd tell you "why it is important to WRITE DOWN YOUR GOALS & PLANS", on my next post!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Rommel, "What shall you do differently this year 2009?"

Do you like the results you have been getting lately?
Are you happy with your results last year 2008?

Yes or No?

Hi there! How are you today?

To begin with, let me ask you again this question here:




So, what will you do DIFFERENT this year ?

Before answering that, I'd like to mention some of the things you
wanted to see in this Newsletter.

Some of you wanted to make money online, and that is the reason
why you are on this Newsletter, right? And how much money?

Some mentioned about traffic tips, profitable ventures, building
a website or a blog . . . it can go on and on! Whatever it is you
wanted this year 2009, it all strarts with your GOALS.

Next are your PLANS, then you need to focus on all these until
it becomes done. . .don't quit!

I'd be answering these requests while you share the journey with me,

but, I will not offer you any "quick fixes"! That is why you've got
to do something different this year!

If you will ask me,

my main FOCUS this year is all about building a B-I-G list. Not only of
subscribers, joint-venture partners, but most especially,


Whatever you do this year,

it should all boil down to "BUILDING A LIST!"

~ I'd let you in my "Milestones & Achievements" including "My Goals
& Plans For 2009" on my next post! We'll do some GOAL-SETTING & PLANNING
next time. . .

~ I'd see you around!

If you wanted 2009 to be different, then don't be like Calvin!
Let us BOTH make 2009 our BEST YEAR ever!!!

~ rommel ;p

P.S. If you have not yet joined the VIP-Member's Club, consider what a
"Lifetime Membership" amounts to in 2 or 5, or even 10 years and you would
agree with me why I am giving away so much for so little? At even less than
$10, you will have a good foundation with PLR and Resell Rights businesses.

Now, how about trying this out before I raise the PRICE to it real worth of $47?
Check it out.

LIFE Quotes:
"The number of obstacles that you face in life will lay
the foundation for massive growth." - Di Lemme

p.s. Make a comment on this blog, I'll let you in for a "surprise". leave
your email details also. ;p