Friday, December 12, 2008
"Turn-key Cash System" - Master 'Stuart Stirling Bares All!
You'd love this FR/EE VIDEO exposing this "new" turn-key cash system.
In a HURRY? Go to site >>>
I love turn-key systems that instantly pumps out cash on auto pilot!
What are "turn-key systems"? These are systems that you do the work once, and the system does the work for you automatically. How easy to you get this done?
Simple. Just log-in your details and add your PayPal E-mail,
you're ready to GO! That simple!!!
Go to site >>>
THIS is one "new system" created by Master 'Stu', and he lends a great deal of effort to show you an additional profit stream that will earn you cash on auto-pilot.
Consider the UPGRADE, as there are lots of "residual income streams" he shows you that can make you easy money when done right.
Or, you can start using his system and give it a try.
Go to site >>>
Do you like this post?
Leave me any comments or your views on this website. ;p
Thursday, December 11, 2008
5 Quick Marketing Tips from Rommel
5 Quick Marketing Tips from Rommel:
Today, and each week, I'll be writing some good articles
just to perk us up! I believe these tips will help you
boost your sales-conversions like it did mine!
This day will be a long post though . . .
1.) Create your own GIFT.
Always remember, "Give something of VALUE."
Find out what people want in your own
target market. Why don't you give them a "preview" of an
ebook, or videos you are selling.
Case Study: I did this with my 21 video series on "Making Money
With Private Label Rights", where I gave a f.ree preview (on streamline video)
of the first 2 videos and the "case study", see my
You can see it here:
PLR Video Course
For an ebook, you may give out a "teaser" copy, say 2-3 chapters or
more. Or, you may give out another gift on the same kind or niche.
Make sure this complements what you intend to sell them, It should
lead them to get the BIG package you want them to buy. Makes sense?
It always works!
2.) Create a marketing strategy on your download page. You may want them
to see first an "offer" before revealing the download link, or you can ask
them to scroll down bellow to get there link.
3.) Re-do your graphics. Do a "graphics makeover". I've seen this many, many
times in the past. I will do a video "cas study" on this to highlight this major
re-packaging that works. A PLR product gets "re-cycled" and become much
more higher in value because of brand-new graphics added on the site,
or new ebook cover, etc.
4.) Ask for "testimonials" on your sales page.
This is a real "credibility" booster as it complements your sales pitch.
Asking for comments most especially after a completed sale, the moment
a customer has enjoyed your product or service. I always keep in touch with
these people even to go as far as making them "beta-testers" of your new
releases before ever showing this to the public. Their feedback and suggestions
when garnered could further increase your credibility.
5.) ALWAYS give something of value. I am a graduating Marketing student,
(yes, I'm finishing up on my bachelor's degree here!), and one
important aspect of marketing that I learned is:
"Always provide VALUE to your customers." To re-phrase this, it only means,
"Give them what they want".
Your customers could not only be those people who bought from you,
these are people within your sphere of influence. You may want to label
them as "prospects", or, in internet marketing, these are people who are
in your "mailing list", your opt-in list.
Are you nurturing them? Are you looking out for their needs? Are you
providing value to them?
Do not just "pound them" with sales pitches, or "get this. . .", "buy this . .."
offers or they'll get tired of opening up your emails, or even
seeing your main page. This is one of the big mistakes newbies do to their
list. Avoid doing this. You can do a checklist which I normally do, like,
"How many sales pitches did I give out during a week"? and,
"How many times was I of help, or provide REAL-VALUE without any
monetary considerations involved?"
;p got the picture now?
I was like that when I started, but, everything changed when I started
thinking "how can I provide VALUE to my opt-in list?"
What can I give them?
What can I share to them that they would profit from?
The list goes on, if you are looking to provide REAL VALUE to your
customers, you're in a good headstart!
~ rommel ;p
p.s. Tell me what's on your mind . . . hit, "Reply To" this post.
Here Is Your Download
Monday, December 8, 2008
I Made More Than $200 In Just A Week! The Simple Steps That Started It All . . .

Hey! Just make a comment on this blog and watch out the 'MY BIG BONUSES' coming!Read through this then, make a comment below . . . ;p
I will show you the simple steps I did that earned me more than $200 in a week.
It ain't much,but, everyone needs to start somewhere! If you haven't made $100 yet, then you may want to see this.
(THIS is the site that is "raking-IN" from $9.97 & $17 dollars daily to my 2checkout & PayPal account. . .)
Private Label Rights UNLEASHED! ***Pre-Launch ALERTS***
The writer shows you the simple steps he did to catapult him to his online career.
"The First Step I Did To Start Making Money Online"
It started with the first $7 ebook sold on his website last August 2007. And then, he started making more!
Beginning an online business takes several steps to make.
Once I have chosen a particular "niche" to specialize in, the first thing I did was
register my own domain at the Internet.
I did not want any "free" domain name registration then because I wanted not to give the impression it was just a hobby for me, but it was a passion and a business.
(Tip:You're getting some "ads" that will appear on your f.ree website that may take away the traffic away from your site.)
There are many "free domain name services" out there, but, I suggest you begin to "invest" with your business to get started right! This is the main difference with just making "hobby monies" versus earning through a "home-internet business".
(Tip:You're in this business for the "long haul", it's time to start "owning" this business of yours.)
I first registered the domain name, and paid for it for a year.
This one costs me $9/year. I got it from
"Next, Is To Get A Professional Web Hosting Account"
The next step I did was to get a professional web hosting account. I am more than thankful I had the privilege to get a "Free-12-months-webhosting" account from After, the year was over, I transferred this to a paid annual webhosting account that anyone could be getting at $12/month.
I paid less for this service because I paid the annual webhosting account for this!
(Tip: You could be saving more from your webhosting account if paid annually!)
There are several F.REE-webhosting account you could get, but, it maybe "counter-productive" once you decide to create a "BRANDING" to your own business. Besides, you'll get attachments on a very long URL name once you get something 'free'.
(Tip: Actually, 'free' becomes costly in the long run most especially if you want to run a professional internet business.)
"Third Step, Get A Professional Auto-Responder Account"
One should not stop short of owning his/her own auto-responder service. This is your only tool to stay connected and keep in touch with your own list. The reputable ones would command a monthly fee of $20/month. I was fortunate to get a free auto-responder account on my purchase of training videos I got from another fellow marketer, Ameer Salim. This was a "third-party" professional auto-responder. The more popular ones are Aweber and GetResponse.
I do sell some of his videos now!
The auto-responder I got was ,
"Create A Capture Page To Collect Email Addresses"
Once I had known the "basics" of creating a simple sales page, I then created my first "squeeze page" to capture Email addresses of visitors and "prospective" subscribers" to my main index page.
Why collect email addresses you ask? It's time for you to hear it play-over-your-ears, "The Money Is In The List!"
You've got to build a LIST.
This began my list-building campaign. Now I'm on my way to garnering my First-1,000 opt-ins!
You have to create a GIFT, or "giveaway" to give out to your site's visitors and provide REAL VALUE in order for them to give out their names and EMail addresses to you. Once they've joined my list, I had to provide "value" and build a relationship with them by providing them resources and tips that will help them. This is what marketers are saying as, "relationship marketing". More on this stuff on another article . . .
People become pre-disposed and becomes much at-ease when being "sold" or "referred to" by someone they trust and know. Once you have a list, and you have "nurtured and cared for them", then it would not be long for them to "buy" from your website or "affiliate links". . .
Now, you are on your way to building a BIG list!
These are the "basic steps" I did, and yet, there are more! You need to immerse yourself on doing these "baby-steps" in order for you to start making money online . . .
I will be telling you more on the EXACT SAME STEPS I DID, that raked in more
than $200 in just a week!
HERE is the much-improved, "RE-LAUNCHED" Membership site that is raking in monies daily to my 2checkout and PayPal buttons! Take it for a ride = = =>>>
Private Label Rights UNLEASHED! ***Pre-Launch ALERTS***
Rommel Ramos is the CEO/Publisher and owner of PLRU-Ezine which tells his subscribers the steps, & tips on creating an online income using private label rigts resources. There is a F.ree E-course on "Making Money Online Using Private Label rights" and a TON of useful information, materials & other resources you can get f.ree once you subscribe to receive his e-course.
Private Label Rights UNLEASHED!
Get your f.ree 5 days E-course on "Making Money Online Using Private Label Rights" and a TON of useful resources f.ree. Only a "LIMITED" number of f.ree subscribers remaining . . .
tag: make money, earn money, earn quick money, earn $200, earn in a week
Thursday, December 4, 2008
1 Email that changed my views of "making money online" . . .
"You made a sale . . ."
"Notification Of Payment Received From . . .", and
"$7 deposited on your account . . ."
I am awed and overwhelmed!
Here's the screenshot of only 2 of my payment processors,

And, the latest post on my email ..... (MORE coming, GREAT!!!) ;p

Confi1 (PayPal)
Others will say,
that ain't much - - - but,
you know, you have to start from small,
and then slowly, and then,steadily upped the income to thousands more.
I'm just about excited, can you feel it in this letter? ;p
Yes, thanksgiving is over, but
there IS still SO MUCH MORE to praise and thank God for!
Exactly 12 months ago, I made my FIRST sale ever on my own website.
It was from a lady who bought a $7 ebook. That was on August 2007. . .
This is not just an affiliate site, where one just fills in their affiliate codes
and "blasts" this to their email list. It was hard work that payed of after
several months of "taking good care of my tiny-"itchy-bitsy" list I own at that
time. I only had about 100+ that time.
to tell you honestly, that FEELING got over my entire being,
and I had a hard time "falling to sleep" after that one moment of triumph!
You just couldn't get over that feeling for a long, long time. . .
It FEELS GOOD! - - - really good inside!
I was able to prove to myself and to my loved ones,
that there is gold in the Internet, and I'm just about to join the rush. . .
What I had then, and still doing now
is a personal website which has GROWN WITH ME IN THIS ROLLER-COASTER
now, you ask -
"Where to now Rommel?"
MY answer is as good as yours!
I've got some plans to do and fulfill before the year is over.
How about you,
"Have you looked back now and see the 'baby-steps' on your online career?"
"What plans do you have by next year 2009? IT will be a different year!
"Before the year is over, what other plans do you need to fulfill?"
"Are you making your plans yet?"
See that FIRST blog posts I did, where I mentioned my goals.
I am slowly achieving them one-by-one. . . I'm just a little
more to reach my FIRST $1,000 online!
Thank you for joining me in this great adventure called LIFE!
You've stucked-out wit me in the past,
now, I want you to benefit the MOST in this partnership. And,
to some of you, thanks for being a friend.
Because, I have several plans now in the works,
and I know you can also learn a "few things" from this actual Case Study
of mine . . . (I'd let you in more on my blog), I'd be sharing you some
of these things later.
I've said enough now,
let's just MOVE ON!
~ rommel ;p
P.s. I'd like us to end with two of my mentor-gurus mentioned,
and I quote them both here:
"Success is neither magical or mysterious.
Success is the natural consequence of
consistently applying basic fundamentals."
– Jim Rohn
It is time for us to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever,
the one who recognizes the challenge and does something about it.
- Vince Lombardi
` 3 cheers to your success!
"Notification Of Payment Received From . . .", and
"$7 deposited on your account . . ."
I am awed and overwhelmed!
Here's the screenshot of only 2 of my payment processors,

And, the latest post on my email ..... (MORE coming, GREAT!!!) ;p

Confi1 (PayPal)
Others will say,
that ain't much - - - but,
you know, you have to start from small,
and then slowly, and then,steadily upped the income to thousands more.
I'm just about excited, can you feel it in this letter? ;p
Yes, thanksgiving is over, but
there IS still SO MUCH MORE to praise and thank God for!
Exactly 12 months ago, I made my FIRST sale ever on my own website.
It was from a lady who bought a $7 ebook. That was on August 2007. . .
This is not just an affiliate site, where one just fills in their affiliate codes
and "blasts" this to their email list. It was hard work that payed of after
several months of "taking good care of my tiny-"itchy-bitsy" list I own at that
time. I only had about 100+ that time.
to tell you honestly, that FEELING got over my entire being,
and I had a hard time "falling to sleep" after that one moment of triumph!
You just couldn't get over that feeling for a long, long time. . .
It FEELS GOOD! - - - really good inside!
I was able to prove to myself and to my loved ones,
that there is gold in the Internet, and I'm just about to join the rush. . .
What I had then, and still doing now
is a personal website which has GROWN WITH ME IN THIS ROLLER-COASTER
now, you ask -
"Where to now Rommel?"
MY answer is as good as yours!
I've got some plans to do and fulfill before the year is over.
How about you,
"Have you looked back now and see the 'baby-steps' on your online career?"
"What plans do you have by next year 2009? IT will be a different year!
"Before the year is over, what other plans do you need to fulfill?"
"Are you making your plans yet?"
See that FIRST blog posts I did, where I mentioned my goals.
I am slowly achieving them one-by-one. . . I'm just a little
more to reach my FIRST $1,000 online!
Thank you for joining me in this great adventure called LIFE!
You've stucked-out wit me in the past,
now, I want you to benefit the MOST in this partnership. And,
to some of you, thanks for being a friend.
Because, I have several plans now in the works,
and I know you can also learn a "few things" from this actual Case Study
of mine . . . (I'd let you in more on my blog), I'd be sharing you some
of these things later.
I've said enough now,
let's just MOVE ON!
~ rommel ;p
P.s. I'd like us to end with two of my mentor-gurus mentioned,
and I quote them both here:
"Success is neither magical or mysterious.
Success is the natural consequence of
consistently applying basic fundamentals."
– Jim Rohn
It is time for us to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever,
the one who recognizes the challenge and does something about it.
- Vince Lombardi
` 3 cheers to your success!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
"What Are Your PLANS For 2009?
we would be entering the "dawn of a bright, new year!"
What are your plans for 2009?
IF you haven't started out yet, then
So, why don't we do something different this time?
If your problem is not knowing where and how to start,
what you need is an ACTIONABLE-BLUEPRINT!
One that will connect the dots, and just "spell-out"
smoothly like "eating neon jelly beans like crazy"!
Then, here is the PLAN. 6 Action Blueprints/Checklists that will
guide you on your way to success!
We created an actionable checklist for every part of your online business, so you can start profiting right away!
"WATCH this first!" See how it works . . .
Dear Fellow Internet Marketer,
What makes the difference between a newbie and guru...?
IF in case you need me to help you set it up, I will be on hand . . .
And, to sweeten the DEAL here , I've added:
"Lifetime VIP-Membership Access To"
$37 BONUS From Me:
Have you seen this yet? HERE
Your "Lifetime-VIP-Membership" to my maiden site F/ree!!!
Get a MASSIVE Collection worth $600+ of PLR & MRR products
you can both use & sell, PLUS, a TON of resources and the
tools you need for raking in online profits in a snap!
THESE Checklist breaks Internet marketing down to 6 main
sections, and includes a checklist to follow for
success with each one.
PLUS, each checklist comes with a handbook that
goes into extreme detail on the tactics!
You will know, step-by-step, what you need to
do to achieve success in:
1. Developing a Successful Mindset
2. Defining Your Niche
3. The Key Steps to a Killer Website
4. Mastering the Art of Online Copy-writing
5. Getting Traffic
6. Achieving Conversions
"Newbie Checklist" will help you cut through the noise and get on track to Internet marketing success.
But that's not all - "Newbie Checklist" also comes with Private Label Rights and Resell Rights!
With Private Label Rights, you'll be able to use this content in just about any way you like and easily re-brand it as your own.
To make it even better, it comes with a very small price tag. Don't hesitate - get your copy today... only $12.
=>> My Newbie Checklist/Blueprint For Success In 2009!
Now for your F.R.E.E. BONUS...
1.) "Lifetime-VIP-Membership to" valued at $37 F.REE!
2.) Purchase "NEWBIE CHECKLIST" from this link,
3.) Send me your PayPal receipt,
I'll send you the download link manually. It's that easy!
You win in this proposition!
I'd be waiting for your reply ,
To Your Success In 2009 And Beyond,
Rommel G. Ramos ;p
Owner of sites:
we would be entering the "dawn of a bright, new year!"
What are your plans for 2009?
IF you haven't started out yet, then
So, why don't we do something different this time?
If your problem is not knowing where and how to start,
what you need is an ACTIONABLE-BLUEPRINT!
One that will connect the dots, and just "spell-out"
smoothly like "eating neon jelly beans like crazy"!
Then, here is the PLAN. 6 Action Blueprints/Checklists that will
guide you on your way to success!
We created an actionable checklist for every part of your online business, so you can start profiting right away!
"WATCH this first!" See how it works . . .
Dear Fellow Internet Marketer,
long wait is over!
IF you
are READY for ACTION, it's time now for you to WIN!
What makes the difference between a newbie and guru...?
IF in case you need me to help you set it up, I will be on hand . . .
And, to sweeten the DEAL here , I've added:
"Lifetime VIP-Membership Access To"
$37 BONUS From Me:
Have you seen this yet? HERE
Your "Lifetime-VIP-Membership" to my maiden site F/ree!!!
Get a MASSIVE Collection worth $600+ of PLR & MRR products
you can both use & sell, PLUS, a TON of resources and the
tools you need for raking in online profits in a snap!
THESE Checklist breaks Internet marketing down to 6 main
sections, and includes a checklist to follow for
success with each one.
PLUS, each checklist comes with a handbook that
goes into extreme detail on the tactics!
You will know, step-by-step, what you need to
do to achieve success in:
1. Developing a Successful Mindset
2. Defining Your Niche
3. The Key Steps to a Killer Website
4. Mastering the Art of Online Copy-writing
5. Getting Traffic
6. Achieving Conversions
"Newbie Checklist" will help you cut through the noise and get on track to Internet marketing success.
But that's not all - "Newbie Checklist" also comes with Private Label Rights and Resell Rights!
With Private Label Rights, you'll be able to use this content in just about any way you like and easily re-brand it as your own.
To make it even better, it comes with a very small price tag. Don't hesitate - get your copy today... only $12.
=>> My Newbie Checklist/Blueprint For Success In 2009!
Now for your F.R.E.E. BONUS...
1.) "Lifetime-VIP-Membership to" valued at $37 F.REE!
2.) Purchase "NEWBIE CHECKLIST" from this link,
3.) Send me your PayPal receipt,
I'll send you the download link manually. It's that easy!
You win in this proposition!
I'd be waiting for your reply ,
To Your Success In 2009 And Beyond,
Rommel G. Ramos ;p
Owner of sites:
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Finally UNLEASHED! It's "LIVE!", UNLEASH The Power Of Private Label Rights>>>
NOW, it can be told!
It's finally UNLEASHED! THIS is the "maiden" site I had beginning last year and is now raking in monies at $50-$60 monthly! It's not that BIG yet, ('twill BE!)
considering I have not really actively promoted this site yet. . .
Actually, I'm on my way to reaching my FIRST $500 mark after a year!
This is a GOOD start though, as right now this is expected to fetch me a good income for the long holidays during the last two busiest months of the year!

The LIMITED Memberships are now being snapped away!
Huge bonuses for the Fast-20 Quick-Action takers! 15 more people can claim their "Fast-Action BONUSES" Inside!
See the "LIVE" page here: View Me!
Inside the VIP -Members access is a Ton of resources to help you
monetize your private label rights and resell rights.
A "Training Vault" where all the resources are i place, and video tutorials available for even a beginner.
Even a "newbie" can do this. . .
AND, what else could I say?
See what others are saying;
". . . IN these days with so many firesales and other product releases it's hard to know what to look at.
If you want value for money then go look at this private label rights products.
This is "the deal"; this is where you get your PLR & MRR materials in one place.
You'll get your exclusive products, and your tutorials library. I haven't seen so many ebooks, so many flash videos, audios in the "Training" library and other products in one place, at one time.
Take my word for it, . . . it's a wonderful value. You won't waste your time.
There's a lot here, and will keep you going for months and months, and months.
Rommel I congratulate you on this excellent product!
Dr. Michael "Mike" Black
"Talking about websites I have got to say your membership site is of
excellent value and I am very impressed with the content and layout.
I hope everything goes well for you with this project as I know it will.
All the best"
Gavin Cole
United Kingdom
See the "LIVE" page again here: View Me!
~ Don't be left out!
~ Rommel & "The Team"
It's finally UNLEASHED! THIS is the "maiden" site I had beginning last year and is now raking in monies at $50-$60 monthly! It's not that BIG yet, ('twill BE!)
considering I have not really actively promoted this site yet. . .
Actually, I'm on my way to reaching my FIRST $500 mark after a year!
This is a GOOD start though, as right now this is expected to fetch me a good income for the long holidays during the last two busiest months of the year!

The LIMITED Memberships are now being snapped away!
Huge bonuses for the Fast-20 Quick-Action takers! 15 more people can claim their "Fast-Action BONUSES" Inside!
See the "LIVE" page here: View Me!
Inside the VIP -Members access is a Ton of resources to help you
monetize your private label rights and resell rights.
A "Training Vault" where all the resources are i place, and video tutorials available for even a beginner.
Even a "newbie" can do this. . .
AND, what else could I say?
See what others are saying;
". . . IN these days with so many firesales and other product releases it's hard to know what to look at.
If you want value for money then go look at this private label rights products.
This is "the deal"; this is where you get your PLR & MRR materials in one place.
You'll get your exclusive products, and your tutorials library. I haven't seen so many ebooks, so many flash videos, audios in the "Training" library and other products in one place, at one time.
Take my word for it, . . . it's a wonderful value. You won't waste your time.
There's a lot here, and will keep you going for months and months, and months.
Rommel I congratulate you on this excellent product!
Dr. Michael "Mike" Black
"Talking about websites I have got to say your membership site is of
excellent value and I am very impressed with the content and layout.
I hope everything goes well for you with this project as I know it will.
All the best"
Gavin Cole
United Kingdom
See the "LIVE" page again here: View Me!
~ Don't be left out!
~ Rommel & "The Team"
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I'M BACK, BRINGING YOU COOL STUFFS! A Software GIFT You'll Need and An Early Announcement For You >>>
Hi there !
FINALLY, the website is back LIVE! (2 weeks 'migration to Unlimited Hosting!)
My webhost migrated to a much higher bandwidth.
. . . I've been away from my computer for a long while, 'coz
I had been sick for almost 3 weeks!
Thank God I'm quite well now.
Now, why am I writing this message?
I was thinking of you dear friend.
I would like to make up with all the lost time. . .
I have THREE things to tell you.
1.) What if I could show you a way to grab your visitors by the ears, virtually forcing them to not only hear most important marketing messages, but actually listen to them? And, what if I could show you how to do all that, with just a few clicks of the mouse?

What you need is a way to start using the same time-tested "tricks" that professional broadcasters and sound engineers have been using for years to take their clients "normal" audio, and turn it into gold.
Impact Web Audio Uses The Same "Trick"NO-COST SOFTWARE to put audios on your website.
Most of the IMers are selling this from $7 - $37!!!
But you will be getting this from me for NADA- nothing! The software is, "Impact Web Audio".
GO to the "SOFTWARE" List and look for "Impact-Web-Audio".
Tell me how you were able to use this.
P.S.1 Hey, did you see my new index page. Probably, now you get an idea how I talk and become familiarize with my voice?
just get your download bellow without opting-in:
2.) 3 FR*E PLR e-bboks complete with Reseller Kits
-Lemon Law
-Water To Gas (Make Your Car To Run On Water)
-Prevent Stuttering
* Get this at the DL, look for "PLR e-books".
if you could watch me work 16 hours-a-day the coming weeks,
you'll know for sure why!
3.) " The RE-LAUNCH of Private Label Rights UNLEASHED! "
. . . in a matter of weeks from now.

It's nice to be talking to you again!
~ Rommel :p
Tomorrow, I have another PLR e-book I wish to share, PLUS, TWO FRE* VIDEOS.Watch out for these tomorrow.
P.S.2 Last few "kinks" before I let you in the "RE-LAUNCH of the new PrivateLabelRightsUNLEASHED Exclusive Membership!" This is a SURE WINNER Ronnie !
If you have anything to ask me, just head over the ContactDesk, or "hit" the Reply To button on your e-mail. I'd be here to answer your queries.
~ til next time.
~rommel :)
P.S. If you're reading this and want to find out where to GET COOL FRE* STUFFS ON INFORMATION PRODUCTS >>>
SIGN-UP NOW, before we pull the plug on those freebies at the Downloads Area!
Get in HERE
FINALLY, the website is back LIVE! (2 weeks 'migration to Unlimited Hosting!)
My webhost migrated to a much higher bandwidth.
. . . I've been away from my computer for a long while, 'coz
I had been sick for almost 3 weeks!
Thank God I'm quite well now.
Now, why am I writing this message?
I was thinking of you dear friend.
I would like to make up with all the lost time. . .
I have THREE things to tell you.
1.) What if I could show you a way to grab your visitors by the ears, virtually forcing them to not only hear most important marketing messages, but actually listen to them? And, what if I could show you how to do all that, with just a few clicks of the mouse?

What you need is a way to start using the same time-tested "tricks" that professional broadcasters and sound engineers have been using for years to take their clients "normal" audio, and turn it into gold.
Impact Web Audio Uses The Same "Trick"NO-COST SOFTWARE to put audios on your website.
Most of the IMers are selling this from $7 - $37!!!
But you will be getting this from me for NADA- nothing! The software is, "Impact Web Audio".
GO to the "SOFTWARE" List and look for "Impact-Web-Audio".
Tell me how you were able to use this.
P.S.1 Hey, did you see my new index page. Probably, now you get an idea how I talk and become familiarize with my voice?
just get your download bellow without opting-in:
2.) 3 FR*E PLR e-bboks complete with Reseller Kits
-Lemon Law
-Water To Gas (Make Your Car To Run On Water)
-Prevent Stuttering
* Get this at the DL, look for "PLR e-books".
if you could watch me work 16 hours-a-day the coming weeks,
you'll know for sure why!
3.) " The RE-LAUNCH of Private Label Rights UNLEASHED! "
. . . in a matter of weeks from now.

It's nice to be talking to you again!
~ Rommel :p
Tomorrow, I have another PLR e-book I wish to share, PLUS, TWO FRE* VIDEOS.Watch out for these tomorrow.
P.S.2 Last few "kinks" before I let you in the "RE-LAUNCH of the new PrivateLabelRightsUNLEASHED Exclusive Membership!" This is a SURE WINNER Ronnie !
If you have anything to ask me, just head over the ContactDesk, or "hit" the Reply To button on your e-mail. I'd be here to answer your queries.
~ til next time.
~rommel :)
P.S. If you're reading this and want to find out where to GET COOL FRE* STUFFS ON INFORMATION PRODUCTS >>>
SIGN-UP NOW, before we pull the plug on those freebies at the Downloads Area!
Get in HERE
Thursday, September 18, 2008
3 TOP & Highly Effective Website Traffic Tips!
Building a website for your product or services is just the first step to promoting your business online. But, just because you build it does not mean that the customers will come. The next and most important step in promoting your business online is to increase your website traffic. Here are three great website traffic tips you can use to produce online sales.
The very first thing you should do before you even try any of these traffic tips is to carefully inspect your website. Click on each link on the site to confirm that they all work. Having dead links on a site can be catastrophic to your business and to your sales. Double check for misspellings and major grammatical errors. It’s also a good idea to view your site on different web browsers to make sure that it stays intact.
You should also have a tracking code installed on your site so you can see what’s working for you and what parts of your business and marketing need improvement. Google Analytics has a free tracking code you can use to monitor your website traffic. It is critical that you are able to see how much traffic your website receives, where it is coming from and how long your visitors are staying on your site. Once you have completed these tasks, it is time to use some of the following website traffic tips.
Traffic tip number one is something you have likely heard of - article marketing. The idea behind this is that you write articles around specific keywords that pertain to your product or service. Then you submit these articles to some of the many article directories found on the Internet. This is a very powerful technique that can generate lots of website traffic for months to come.
The second traffic tip is to buy your website traffic. An easy way to do this is by using a Google AdWords campaign. It’s the fastest way to get traffic, but it can also be the most expensive. The idea behind this tip is that you develop a Google ad to be placed on the search engine pages. You will be billed every time someone clicks on your ad. But it is very important that you take the time to learn the ins and outs of a Google AdWords campaign. Getting into this particular website traffic generator without intensive research can cost you a lot of money, but it can also pay off in a big way.
Traffic tip number three is blogs. An easy way to generate more traffic is to search for blogs that relate to your product or service. Leave comments on these blogs, making sure you have a link to your site in your comment. Doing this on a significant number of blogs can give you a good amount of traffic to your site for free. You should also start your own blog.
So there you have some great website traffic tips. Keep in mind that building the website is just the first step to having a successful online business, but a crucial one. You have got to have the traffic to make the sales. These traffic tips are just a few in a list of hundreds. By using multiple ways of generating traffic to your sites, you will be well on your way to online success.
If you've been looking for simple, yet powerful ways to drive more traffic to your website - without spending a lot of money to do it - then you're in for real treat.
For a limited time, internet marketer Justin Michie is giving away a free report that shows you how he generates 100’s of thousands of unique visitors each month and how you can do the same.
For more information, or to download your free copy, please click here.
The very first thing you should do before you even try any of these traffic tips is to carefully inspect your website. Click on each link on the site to confirm that they all work. Having dead links on a site can be catastrophic to your business and to your sales. Double check for misspellings and major grammatical errors. It’s also a good idea to view your site on different web browsers to make sure that it stays intact.
You should also have a tracking code installed on your site so you can see what’s working for you and what parts of your business and marketing need improvement. Google Analytics has a free tracking code you can use to monitor your website traffic. It is critical that you are able to see how much traffic your website receives, where it is coming from and how long your visitors are staying on your site. Once you have completed these tasks, it is time to use some of the following website traffic tips.
Traffic tip number one is something you have likely heard of - article marketing. The idea behind this is that you write articles around specific keywords that pertain to your product or service. Then you submit these articles to some of the many article directories found on the Internet. This is a very powerful technique that can generate lots of website traffic for months to come.
The second traffic tip is to buy your website traffic. An easy way to do this is by using a Google AdWords campaign. It’s the fastest way to get traffic, but it can also be the most expensive. The idea behind this tip is that you develop a Google ad to be placed on the search engine pages. You will be billed every time someone clicks on your ad. But it is very important that you take the time to learn the ins and outs of a Google AdWords campaign. Getting into this particular website traffic generator without intensive research can cost you a lot of money, but it can also pay off in a big way.
Traffic tip number three is blogs. An easy way to generate more traffic is to search for blogs that relate to your product or service. Leave comments on these blogs, making sure you have a link to your site in your comment. Doing this on a significant number of blogs can give you a good amount of traffic to your site for free. You should also start your own blog.
So there you have some great website traffic tips. Keep in mind that building the website is just the first step to having a successful online business, but a crucial one. You have got to have the traffic to make the sales. These traffic tips are just a few in a list of hundreds. By using multiple ways of generating traffic to your sites, you will be well on your way to online success.
If you've been looking for simple, yet powerful ways to drive more traffic to your website - without spending a lot of money to do it - then you're in for real treat.
For a limited time, internet marketer Justin Michie is giving away a free report that shows you how he generates 100’s of thousands of unique visitors each month and how you can do the same.
For more information, or to download your free copy, please click here.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
"How To Make Money With Private Label Rights VIDEOS"
Hey there!
I hope you are in the BEST of health and good spirits as you read this.
The other month, I came across a 21-VIDEO SERIES on "How To Make Money
With PLR Content"
The cool videos just blew me away!
And I will not give you a long sales pitch for these amazing videos. . .
See it for yourself.
Check out the review I did here:
"Where Is The Money In PLR?"
This video would tell you the MANY ways you can quickly turn your own private
label rights content to any profit-pulling income streams.

The PLR VIDEO gives you the many ideas as to the potential income generated from PLR...
First, is creating a BASE product. Martin first discusses how he turned one of 3
PLR ebooks from a PLR membership site of which he enjoys the membership
and turned this to $4,564 profit after having this ebook re-branded by changing
the e-covers to $97, the cost of paying a graphic designer create a brand "new"
Watch it here
He changed the title and re-worded some of the articles inside the ebook,
re-branded it, put on a certain "twist" to it and put in affiliate links inside
to make it viral. He edited the sales page on this and promoted this, and gave
him a Gross sales of $4,690 after two weeks of promotion!
Another profit stream mentioned in this video is how he did product "flipping"
from a $67 PLR Membership site that gave him PLR articles, Adsense Sites, PLR
ebooks & Graphics, and now created their PLR Membership site charging $37
a pop each month. The first month of operations, he turned around from spending $67
membership fee and $297 to create a mini-site for this re-branded products and
promoted this for about a month sending only 2-3 emails.
In less than a month, they collected a Sales revenue of $1,809, with a profit of
$1.449 from only 67 members each month.
There is MORE. . .
~Rommel :)
P.S. Want to see the rest of the 20 videos? Be among the FIRST-100 owners
of these content-rich VIDEOS here:
I hope you are in the BEST of health and good spirits as you read this.
The other month, I came across a 21-VIDEO SERIES on "How To Make Money
With PLR Content"
The cool videos just blew me away!
And I will not give you a long sales pitch for these amazing videos. . .
See it for yourself.
Check out the review I did here:
"Where Is The Money In PLR?"
This video would tell you the MANY ways you can quickly turn your own private
label rights content to any profit-pulling income streams.

The PLR VIDEO gives you the many ideas as to the potential income generated from PLR...
First, is creating a BASE product. Martin first discusses how he turned one of 3
PLR ebooks from a PLR membership site of which he enjoys the membership
and turned this to $4,564 profit after having this ebook re-branded by changing
the e-covers to $97, the cost of paying a graphic designer create a brand "new"
Watch it here
He changed the title and re-worded some of the articles inside the ebook,
re-branded it, put on a certain "twist" to it and put in affiliate links inside
to make it viral. He edited the sales page on this and promoted this, and gave
him a Gross sales of $4,690 after two weeks of promotion!
Another profit stream mentioned in this video is how he did product "flipping"
from a $67 PLR Membership site that gave him PLR articles, Adsense Sites, PLR
ebooks & Graphics, and now created their PLR Membership site charging $37
a pop each month. The first month of operations, he turned around from spending $67
membership fee and $297 to create a mini-site for this re-branded products and
promoted this for about a month sending only 2-3 emails.
In less than a month, they collected a Sales revenue of $1,809, with a profit of
$1.449 from only 67 members each month.
There is MORE. . .
~Rommel :)
P.S. Want to see the rest of the 20 videos? Be among the FIRST-100 owners
of these content-rich VIDEOS here:
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Mike Ambrosio's Web Traffic Pack - Don't Look Anywhere Else Till You See These!
The other day I posted 3 Powerful Methods On Generating F/ree Website TRAFFIC . . .
and there is MORE. . .
"How Would You Like to Discover Not Three More But - Twelve (12) New Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Website Anytime You Want - Over And Over Again?"
Well, you know me. AND, I won't hype a sales letter until you crank out the real nitty-gritty stuff and ask yourself, "Does this REALLY WORKS?"
But, If you are looking for a DOZEN New Ways To Generate TRAFFIC, here is:
Read on. . .
If you would like to know how I am using TRAFFIC GENERATION techniques using both f/ree and paid methods, Web 2.0 Social Websites, Search engine optimization, training videos, and you name it all....
Consider looking into Michael Ambrosio's Web Traffic Pack. Here it is:

If you would like to see AMAZING results, then check out what is included in the package. If you like it, then GRAB it (just as I did! :) CLICK HERE
I'm sure YOU will benefit from all the TRAFFIC generation tactics revealed inside!
Bye for now!
~rommel :)
and there is MORE. . .
"How Would You Like to Discover Not Three More But - Twelve (12) New Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Website Anytime You Want - Over And Over Again?"
Well, you know me. AND, I won't hype a sales letter until you crank out the real nitty-gritty stuff and ask yourself, "Does this REALLY WORKS?"
But, If you are looking for a DOZEN New Ways To Generate TRAFFIC, here is:
Read on. . .
If you would like to know how I am using TRAFFIC GENERATION techniques using both f/ree and paid methods, Web 2.0 Social Websites, Search engine optimization, training videos, and you name it all....
Consider looking into Michael Ambrosio's Web Traffic Pack. Here it is:
If you would like to see AMAZING results, then check out what is included in the package. If you like it, then GRAB it (just as I did! :) CLICK HERE
I'm sure YOU will benefit from all the TRAFFIC generation tactics revealed inside!
Bye for now!
~rommel :)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
3 Top Methods To Use To Generate Free Website Traffic

Having a website or no website, what is the ONE thing you need to generate profits?
Your answer is as good as mine! Yes, that's right - TRAFFIC!
(You do not need to be a rocket scientist in order to generate F/ree Website Traffic!)
Whether you have a website of your own or not, the single MOST important thing you will ever need as an online 'entrepreneur' is "traffic". Many online businesses fail because of lack of website traffic. Without traffic, you have no leads or prospects and without prospects you have no customers.
Website Traffic is the Life Blood Of Any Online Business. The sooner you understand this, the better for you!
Undoubtedly, if you study the lives of many "online millionaires", they would agree that to establish yourself in this business you need to have your own website and drive traffic to them. Once they visit your "online stores", it is just a matter of converting these visitors to customers thereby monetizing our websites.
I would not go on a debate here to convince you that having a website of your own IS your sure guarantee for an online business that will last. You may say that you maybe able to earn even without a website of your own, as in affiliate marketing websites. But, if you will just consider this to be a business to thrive in the long haul---your best bet is having a website of your own!
Now that I have mince no words to tell you how it is, let me now tell you how I generate fr,ee website traffic to my own websites.
There are many ways to generate website traffic to your online business.
You could either use the paid, if you have the budget for this, OR, choose to use f,ree website traffic.
This article will touch on the three (3) best methods I have been using to generate some free traffic. If you follow through and implement just one of these methods you will be well on your way to getting the results you want.
Method 1. Use articles. Articles, by far is one of the most profitable ways to generate fr,ee traffic to your website. Articles are geat because the reader can read your article and get a feel for who you are and the value that you can offer. Then after reading the article the reader can then click through to your website link in your resources box at the end of the article. This is a very qualified and targ,eted visitor. To do this is simply write articles on you niche and then submit them to article directories. I will be telling you more about this on my next tips. This is also good when people read articles on the directory or do searches in the search engine your article will show up.
Method 2. Use discussion forums. One very good way to get quality and targeted traffic to your website as well is by way of forums. People who read your posts are able to get a feel for who you are and what 'expertise' you can offer. Begin by joining discussion topics including your website link in your post signature file. When people read the post they will see your website and then click through to your website.
Method 3. Use press releases. Press releases are very much similar to using articles. Begin by writing a press release and then submit it to press release services who then have a directory of press releases. The choice of which press releases to send is also very important. You can make a Google search on "free press release" and choose to send to at least 3 - 5 of them.
Now that you've seen my top 3 methods of generating fre,e website traffic, I want you to use one or all 3 of these and see what happens. I am sure you will see great results!
========================== Side Bar ========================
Want 9,000+ UnRestricted PLR Niche Articles?
>>>Click HERE
You are most welcome for your comments and questions. Contact & Support.
I am getting between between 5-10 replies to this post, and I want to assure you that I get back quickly on my replies. I would like to be of help!
Cheers to your success!
~Rommel :)
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Create Products By Turning PLR Content VIDEOS!
Hey there!
IF you are like me, I'm sure you'd like to SEE HOW to create "brand NEW" info products in a flash!
For several days now, I have gone through ALL 6 VIDEOS on "Turn PLR To Unique Products" creation Video series. Click here >>>
(Or you may copy and paste to your browser this link)

Seeing through the process and just coming up with a LOT of info product creation TIPS, IDEAS will certainly keep your eyes glued on these great videos on Private Label Rights products.
For starters, these PLR videos are a MUST to own!
Benefit from all insider TIPS and TRICKS outlined in all 6 videos where the important topics are:
"From PLRs to Unique Product Ideas" Video Series
This video series takes you by the hand, step by step, click by click to creating a great product that not only sells, but increases your profit by several times more!
Here is what you'll learn from these SIX(6) videos in detail:
1. Getting Started, Intro to Private Label Rights,
and Tools you need.
One the biggest problems you may run into during product creation is you don't know where to start, you have writer's block, or idea block. Or you don't have enough time and money. This where we will talk about how you can use Private Label Content and turn them into unique products. As I mentioned earlier, most people will take PLR products and stamp their name on it. This video series will reveal to you ideas that you can use to stand out of the crowd. You'll also learn the tools you need before watching the following videos.
2. Private Label Articles
Private Label Articles is by far the most popular type of Private Label Product out there, simply because articles are shorter, easier to create, and more widely available. Instead of just stamping your name on a PLR article, there many ideas that you'll learn in this video to reshaping PLR articles into different forms that will increase your product and sell value.
3. Private Label Ebooks
Private Label Ebooks are the next widely available type of PLR product because it is written. Since ebooks are larger, you can generally do a lot more with them when you reshape them into different product formats. In this video you'll learn how to do just that and much more. Once you can grasp the main concept of the ebook, you'll understand how to easily make them unique. It doesn't matter if 1000 other people have PLR to the same ebook, you'll learn how to stand out from the crowd.
4. Private Label Audio Ebooks, Audio Articles
In this video, we won't be going over just the basics, you'll learn many neat out of the box ideas that most people will not even think about that we'll talk about in this video. By using these ideas, you'll be ahead of the crowd.
5. Private Label Videos
When you get Private Label Rights to videos, most people will resell them. But what good does that do when 100's of other people are doing the same thing? It is not hard at all to rebrand videos, add audio, add and remove video clips, and more. You'll learn how to do that and you'll learn new ideas that'll allow you to think outside the box to reshape videos into other product forms.
6. Private Label Software
It doesn't matter if you have ZERO amount of knowledge on how to write software code. In this video, you'll learn how to gain access to a Private Label Source Code and take it to the next level. While others may resell it without even stamping their names on it the source code, you'll be learning how to add features and remove features w/o even touching the program. You'll learn tricks and tips to keeping your costs down when you hire programmers to change your software. You'll also learn how to keep yourself safe when you hire someone that you don't even know.
P.S. Don't forget to check this amazing video package:
"PLR For Newbies VIDEOS" 6 Video Series
p.s. You'll be surprise HOW EZ it is to do just this....go check it out! Click here >>>
~rommel :)
IF you are like me, I'm sure you'd like to SEE HOW to create "brand NEW" info products in a flash!
For several days now, I have gone through ALL 6 VIDEOS on "Turn PLR To Unique Products" creation Video series. Click here >>>
(Or you may copy and paste to your browser this link)

Seeing through the process and just coming up with a LOT of info product creation TIPS, IDEAS will certainly keep your eyes glued on these great videos on Private Label Rights products.
For starters, these PLR videos are a MUST to own!
Benefit from all insider TIPS and TRICKS outlined in all 6 videos where the important topics are:
"From PLRs to Unique Product Ideas" Video Series
This video series takes you by the hand, step by step, click by click to creating a great product that not only sells, but increases your profit by several times more!
Here is what you'll learn from these SIX(6) videos in detail:
1. Getting Started, Intro to Private Label Rights,
and Tools you need.
One the biggest problems you may run into during product creation is you don't know where to start, you have writer's block, or idea block. Or you don't have enough time and money. This where we will talk about how you can use Private Label Content and turn them into unique products. As I mentioned earlier, most people will take PLR products and stamp their name on it. This video series will reveal to you ideas that you can use to stand out of the crowd. You'll also learn the tools you need before watching the following videos.
2. Private Label Articles
Private Label Articles is by far the most popular type of Private Label Product out there, simply because articles are shorter, easier to create, and more widely available. Instead of just stamping your name on a PLR article, there many ideas that you'll learn in this video to reshaping PLR articles into different forms that will increase your product and sell value.
3. Private Label Ebooks
Private Label Ebooks are the next widely available type of PLR product because it is written. Since ebooks are larger, you can generally do a lot more with them when you reshape them into different product formats. In this video you'll learn how to do just that and much more. Once you can grasp the main concept of the ebook, you'll understand how to easily make them unique. It doesn't matter if 1000 other people have PLR to the same ebook, you'll learn how to stand out from the crowd.
4. Private Label Audio Ebooks, Audio Articles
In this video, we won't be going over just the basics, you'll learn many neat out of the box ideas that most people will not even think about that we'll talk about in this video. By using these ideas, you'll be ahead of the crowd.
5. Private Label Videos
When you get Private Label Rights to videos, most people will resell them. But what good does that do when 100's of other people are doing the same thing? It is not hard at all to rebrand videos, add audio, add and remove video clips, and more. You'll learn how to do that and you'll learn new ideas that'll allow you to think outside the box to reshape videos into other product forms.
6. Private Label Software
It doesn't matter if you have ZERO amount of knowledge on how to write software code. In this video, you'll learn how to gain access to a Private Label Source Code and take it to the next level. While others may resell it without even stamping their names on it the source code, you'll be learning how to add features and remove features w/o even touching the program. You'll learn tricks and tips to keeping your costs down when you hire programmers to change your software. You'll also learn how to keep yourself safe when you hire someone that you don't even know.
P.S. Don't forget to check this amazing video package:
"PLR For Newbies VIDEOS" 6 Video Series

~rommel :)
Saturday, April 12, 2008
My Original E Products Review!!! Review
Today I came across a package of resale rights products that I just had
to grab and do a review for. Most packages are so old and out of date,
that you can't even give them away. So when I saw the package at
I just had to check it out.
Now, I know reviews are supposed tell the bad and good of a product,
but I just can't find anything bad about this package. The products
have never been released before, the package is only limited to the
first 1000 people, and the products are in different niches including
the Internet marketing niche.
What more could you possibly ask for?
I was just so glad to find products that I can finally use to make some
money. I've tried selling several different products, but they are
always the same products that everyone else is selling, and I've just
never been able to make money.
With this new product package from
I have several chances to make money with several different products.
The package includes 12 products, and an awesome bonus that gives you
access to one of her live online workshops. It's an insane amount of
high quality products for the low price you have to pay, and if you
can't at least make your money back with these products, you should
probably just turn your computer off and find another way to make
money! So, if you're ready for a change, and want to actually get
products that can make you some money instead of cost you money,
I highly recommend
Go now!
I just don't see how this deal could get any better!
To your success!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Get IN! Launching My Newest Website >>>!
Hey there!
Are you fond of scouring the Net with the LATEST e-buzz on "new" products (software, ebooks, videos, audios,etc.)?
Then you're IN for a REAL TREAT!
In a few more weeks the IM scene will have a buzzword for the "One-Stop Shop Of All Your Digital Rights Products!"
See what I will be giving away on the Pre-Launch!
>>> DIGITALRIGHTSDOMAIN.comGo ahead and check it out!
Are you fond of scouring the Net with the LATEST e-buzz on "new" products (software, ebooks, videos, audios,etc.)?
Then you're IN for a REAL TREAT!
In a few more weeks the IM scene will have a buzzword for the "One-Stop Shop Of All Your Digital Rights Products!"
See what I will be giving away on the Pre-Launch!
>>> DIGITALRIGHTSDOMAIN.comGo ahead and check it out!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
It's All In The RIGHT MINDSET! "You Can Change Your Destiny, By Changing Your Mindset!"

ARE YOU living your dreams or,
are you working for someone who's living THEIR dreams?
Let me show you EXACTLY how 10 of the top most successful people
in the Business World have created a life for themselves and others that
almost everyone else only dreams about...
Click here >>>
"35 Year Old Chicago Man Hunts Down 10 of The World's Top Wealth Building Moguls, Pins Them Down & Squeezes Them For Their Most Valuable Profit Producing Strategies And Makes Them Available To Anyone Who Wants Them!"
"Even if you have failed miserably before in previous attempts to online/offline success, I can promise you that listening to these "Super Stars" of The Business World, and diligently applying what you learn will transform your life!"
You can even copy and burn them on a CD or play on an mp3 player for your ease of use and convenience...these audio files are the BEST you'll find on the Internet! -me ;p
Dear Friend:
Are you wanting to take your business, finances and life to the next level?
Are you sick and tired of seeing others succeed while you continue to experience less than what you know you and your family deserve?
Are you totally serious and committed to achieving that greater level of success?
If so, then you need to know that...
For A Limited Time Only, You Can Get A "Back-Stage Pass" To 10 Powerful & Mind Blowing Interviews With Some of The World's Most Successful Millionaire Makers!
Here's the deal:
I have made special arrangements with Ruddy, who is a friend of mine who owns a Seminar Company that interviews only the very best in their fields when it comes to business success. He and his partners use these very same interview recordings to do training for their own network of people.
After some clever negotiating with them, I was able to secure the exclusive rights to share these very same recordings with you at a tiny sliver of the actual price that they are planning on charging for them!
Introducing ... The Real Prosperity Secrets TeleSeminar Audio Course
Just go here:
Click here >>>
P.S. I have to tell you, THIS IS the BEST investment I have at the start of this year, and, did'nt I tell you it's even less than $10 for this GIANT-sized, mind-blowing package!!!
*** You can even earn 100% profits and MORE!
I'll see you on the inside. . . here >>>
Friday, February 1, 2008
Really Fast Money - Emergency CASH!

Hi there!
I just got the Master Resell Rights of this POWER-packed $5 report!
In this report you will answer this nagging questions:
Have you ever found yourself needing money in a hurry to:
Pay for "Emergencies" . . .
Make a house payment.
Meet unexpected medical expenses.
Fix your car.
Repair your computer.
Get your utilities or web hosting TURNED BACK ON!
Then you owe it to yourself to get this report.
Even if you don't need the information right now, this is a good report to keep in your emergency survival kit.
If you want to be ready for an unexpected financial emergency, you will get this report right now and read it today.
Get IT HERE>>>
Dear Friend,
Over the past few years I have been approached countless times by online marketers with personal financial emergencies. They needed to raise $500 to $2000 practically overnight. For some reason they turned to me!
After encountering this situation repeatedly I asked myself...
I sat down and outlined EXACTLY how I would deal with that situation, based upon my 11 years of online marketing, selling all kinds of goods and services. I layed out a very simple, but well-reasoned plan.
Next, to prove that the plan would work, I did just what I wrote in the plan, actually documenting my results! Over the years I had read half-a-dozen ebooks outlining some type of "guru emergency income plan." Most of these ebooks were full of hair-brained ideas that "the experts" had made up off the tops of their heads when asked to contribute to the ebooks.
Just DON'T take my word for it, read what OTHERS have to say. . .
"Instant emergency cash, effortless money-making tactics, full-time residual income in less than 30 days... The vast majority of these reports are pure rubbish, or speculation, hypothesis, and untested methods at best. Maybe you've purchased one or two or ten of these disappointing methods that fail to deliver the goods. I know I have.
The genius of what Willie has done in his report is he uses it as a living example and proof that his Really Fast Money method actually works. Buy this report, read it, and put the methods to work, but better yet, also dissect all of the elements and study how Willie accomplished what he did. The report itself is a live example of the plan in action. Read between the lines and pay close attention. Your return on investment will be THOUSANDS of times what you pay for this gem."
John Rogers
Get IT HERE>>>
Their Ideas Had NOT Been Tested!
Now I'd like to pass along to you my plan for how to get out of a financial bind in a HURRY if you're an internet marketer. It's a plan that will work for anyone except the laziest of individuals. Anyone, seriously in dire need of funds, or who could just use a little extra money, CAN implement this plan.
As always you have found a way to cut through all the BS and get straight to the "meat." I get a lot of requests about this sort of thing too and couldn't resist seeing what you had to say. Once again, you don't disappoint. I believe anyone at nearly any level of skill can take this document and achieve the objective...if they take action of course. The only thing I know of that might work as well or better is contained in the WSO I'll be launching later today ;-)
Even still, I think I'm going to set aside a 24 hour period in the next week and follow what you propose exactly and see how I do. If nothing else it will make for a great case study. I'll use none of my lists or pre-existing products and start 100% from scratch. Sounds like fun.
All the best,
Rob Fighter"
Get IT HERE>>>
"Great report that should help tons of people get off the bench and into the game."
Scot Standke
"I can answer these for you.
1. You don't need an existing list.
2. You don't need ANY startup capital
3. Yes it will work for people outside the USA
As someone that has earned this amount of money and more in 24 hours, I can put my stamp of approval on this one, and say that it works because I've done it (not exactly what he describes here, but pretty damn close).
(And no, it isn't just about running a WSO)
For 5 bucks it's a no brainer.
I give this WSO 5 out of 5 Knowledge Points.
Chris Knowledge"
Get IT HERE>>>
Here's what a few more satisfied customers had to say...
"As always, great information Willie.
Outstanding information.
"Thanks Willie!
I'm usually unusually skeptical to IM report. But Willie proves me wrong. I made slightly over a grand within 24 hours selling a health report.
In fact, the urge to prove him wrong forced me to stay awake overnight on the net. I was expecting the worst. To my surprise, $1k came into my account.
Anyone has yet to get this report via WSO, better hurry up. I think the actual site link is here:
(Mod: I'm in no way associated with Willie. Just a happy customer)
Willie is the man!
Doc. Lancester"
Get IT HERE>>>
Friday, January 18, 2008
HOT Niche Videos On The Rise For 2008!

What's HOT in the Niches nowadays?
Would you lke to own twenty (20) videos that you can brand
with your own links and YOU can either use or sell them?
Meaning, you can put your name on it and brand the links to your
website - - - "Hhhmmmnn, did you smell the 'viral' effect of this?"
What if I can show you a site that has these latest resources AND
so much more to offer, would you like to see it?
(Drum roll) Yes, my friend Andy has come again
to the open to give you a new membership site resource to
help you build YOUR niche video empire!
YOU too can discover how you can tap the power to harness
the latest online marketing channel - VIDEOS!
In a HURRY? Go here>>>
With your membership, you'll be handed 1 PLR video 'every day' -
that's at least 20 PLR videos every month!
How's that in making a dominance
on this powerful hot video niche?!
I won't make this long as spots are filling up
fast so better check out now:
PLR Videos HERE>>>
Listen, membership to this site will only be limited and once
a 200-member cap is reached..., It may be gone for good? and
who knows if it will be made available again for those
"Johnny-come-lately" people. At the moment, monthly membership
is at a LOW $27!
You can't beat that price anywhere! You can even search and find that
there are even some savvy marketers in this PLR video niche selling
their memberships at $37 - $49.95.
This is your BEST investment this year, ever!
Well, join me as I am one of the Fast-Movers to this soon-to-be
premiere video site! There are several other sites where you can easily join
and have Unrestricted Rights, meaning you can sell even at Auction sites for
a dime each videos, BUT, not THIS ONE.
This is what I liked! My investment will always be protected.
This one is LIMITED only to a very select few.
You have to see it, to believe it!
p.s. I am even giving you MY personal BONUSES once you join me
right now! I'll be sending this quickly!
Stop reading and head right here. You'll be glad you did!
PLR Videos HERE>>>
I'll meet you on the inside!
You can thank me later,
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Happy New YOU Year To You And Some Gifts!

The year 2008 has come and what BEST way to begin it than by
writing and planning for THINGS TO DO for the year.
Are you finding it hard to fulfill your new year's resolution?
I have included here a way to help you accomplish that new year's resolution
and not get that nagging feeling of not having fulfilled it.
Another gift I included is a way to change your mindset and be
Then, keeping track of your time is also ONE of those most-sought
after disciplines we all need to master all the TIME.
Well, for most people the new year signals the beggining of new
challenges, new ventures, new journeys and new HOPE just so to
make this year the MOST exciting year of our lives!
Just for you to start off,
here is my New year's Gift!
1. New You Year, "How the 10% Accomplish Their New Year's Resolution"
2. Inside The Mind Of Winners
3. The Ultimate Time Management Guide
4. How To Use Your Mind For Study
and,my bonus to you!
5. "The 48 Hour Plan" - (PLR)
Before you go there, I have assembled the BEST 30+ Products
from the last release of my Blowout Deal 2, I have added these:
-4 Brand NEW PLR Gold products from Edmund Loh
-eWriter PRO
-Install Scripts Videos
-Internet Marketing Basics Videos, and
a Fast Action Bonus to 200 clients,
-39 Firesale Products With Master Resell Rights.
Get them here:
I have great new stuffs in the works right now, I will also launch a
PAID membership site for you to benefit and profit from, and a
WHOLE lot more. So, better stick with me in this journey!
I pray that you are in the BEST of health, in HIGH spirits, and that your
heart is FULL OF HOPE & CHEER to what God has in store for us
the rest of this year!
Blessings To You Dear Friend!
Here's to a great and exciting, prosperous & fun-filled year to us all!
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